( Moving a repository

Info Catalog ( Backing up ( Repository ( Remote repositories
 2.8 Moving a repository
 Just as backing up the files in the repository is pretty much like
 backing up any other files, if you need to move a repository from one
 place to another it is also pretty much like just moving any other
 collection of files.
    The main thing to consider is that working directories point to the
 repository.  The simplest way to deal with a moved repository is to
 just get a fresh working directory after the move.  Of course, you'll
 want to make sure that the old working directory had been checked in
 before the move, or you figured out some other way to make sure that
 you don't lose any changes.  If you really do want to reuse the existing
 working directory, it should be possible with manual surgery on the
 `CVS/Repository' files.  You can see  Working directory storage,
 for information on the `CVS/Repository' and `CVS/Root' files, but
 unless you are sure you want to bother, it probably isn't worth it.
Info Catalog ( Backing up ( Repository ( Remote repositories
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