( Modifying Comments

Info Catalog ( Modifying Translations ( PO Mode ( Subedit
 8.3.10 Modifying Comments
 Any translation work done seriously will raise many linguistic
 difficulties, for which decisions have to be made, and the choices
 further documented.  These documents may be saved within the PO file in
 form of translator comments, which the translator is free to create,
 delete, or modify at will.  These comments may be useful to herself
 when she returns to this PO file after a while.
    Comments not having whitespace after the initial `#', for example,
 those beginning with `#.' or `#:', are _not_ translator comments, they
 are exclusively created by other `gettext' tools.  So, the commands
 below will never alter such system added comments, they are not meant
 for the translator to modify.   PO Files.
    The following commands are somewhat similar to those modifying
 translations, so the general indications given for those apply here.
  Modifying Translations.
      Interactively edit the translator comments (`po-edit-comment').
      Save the translator comments on the kill ring, and delete it
      Save the translator comments on the kill ring, without deleting it
      Replace the translator comments, taking the new from the kill ring
    These commands parallel PO mode commands for modifying the
 translation strings, and behave much the same way as they do, except
 that they handle this part of PO file comments meant for translator
 usage, rather than the translation strings.  So, if the descriptions
 given below are slightly succinct, it is because the full details have
 already been given.   Modifying Translations.
    The command `#' (`po-edit-comment') opens a new Emacs window
 containing a copy of the translator comments on the current PO file
 entry.  If there are no such comments, PO mode understands that the
 translator wants to add a comment to the entry, and she is presented
 with an empty screen.  Comment marks (`#') and the space following them
 are automatically removed before edition, and reinstated after.  For
 translator comments pertaining to obsolete entries, the uncommenting
 and recommenting operations are done twice.  Once in the editing
 window, the keys `C-c C-c' allow the translator to tell she is finished
 with editing the comment.   Subedit, for further details.
    Functions found on `po-subedit-mode-hook', if any, are executed after
 the string has been inserted in the edit buffer.
    The command `K' (`po-kill-comment') gets rid of all translator
 comments, while saving those comments on the kill ring.  The command
 `W' (`po-kill-ring-save-comment') takes a copy of the translator
 comments on the kill ring, but leaves them undisturbed in the current
 entry.  The command `Y' (`po-yank-comment') completely replaces the
 translator comments by a string taken at the front of the kill ring.
 When this command is immediately repeated, the comments just inserted
 are withdrawn, and replaced by other strings taken along the kill ring.
    On the kill ring, all strings have the same nature.  There is no
 distinction between _translation_ strings and _translator comments_
 strings.  So, for example, let's presume the translator has just
 finished editing a translation, and wants to create a new translator
 comment to document why the previous translation was not good, just to
 remember what was the problem.  Foreseeing that she will do that in her
 documentation, the translator may want to quote the previous
 translation in her translator comments.  To do so, she may initialize
 the translator comments with the previous translation, still at the
 head of the kill ring.  Because editing already pushed the previous
 translation on the kill ring, she merely has to type `M-w' prior to
 `#', and the previous translation will be right there, all ready for
 being introduced by some explanatory text.
    On the other hand, presume there are some translator comments already
 and that the translator wants to add to those comments, instead of
 wholly replacing them.  Then, she should edit the comment right away
 with `#'.  Once inside the editing window, she can use the regular
 Emacs commands `C-y' (`yank') and `M-y' (`yank-pop') to get the
 previous translation where she likes.
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