( Integer Random Numbers

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 Random Number Functions
 The random number functions of GMP come in two groups; older function
 that rely on a global state, and newer functions that accept a state
 Number Functions:: for more information on how to use and not to use
 random number functions.
  - Function: void mpz_urandomb (mpz_t ROP, gmp_randstate_t STATE,
           unsigned long int N)
      Generate a uniformly distributed random integer in the range 0 to
      2^N-1, inclusive.
      The variable STATE must be initialized by calling one of the
      `gmp_randinit' functions ( Random State Initialization)
      before invoking this function.
  - Function: void mpz_urandomm (mpz_t ROP, gmp_randstate_t STATE, mpz_t
      Generate a uniform random integer in the range 0 to N-1, inclusive.
      The variable STATE must be initialized by calling one of the
      `gmp_randinit' functions ( Random State Initialization)
      before invoking this function.
  - Function: void mpz_rrandomb (mpz_t ROP, gmp_randstate_t STATE,
           unsigned long int N)
      Generate a random integer with long strings of zeros and ones in
      the binary representation.  Useful for testing functions and
      algorithms, since this kind of random numbers have proven to be
      more likely to trigger corner-case bugs.  The random number will
      be in the range 0 to 2^N-1, inclusive.
      The variable STATE must be initialized by calling one of the
      `gmp_randinit' functions ( Random State Initialization)
      before invoking this function.
  - Function: void mpz_random (mpz_t ROP, mp_size_t MAX_SIZE)
      Generate a random integer of at most MAX_SIZE limbs.  The generated
      random number doesn't satisfy any particular requirements of
      randomness.  Negative random numbers are generated when MAX_SIZE
      is negative.
      This function is obsolete.  Use `mpz_urandomb' or `mpz_urandomm'
  - Function: void mpz_random2 (mpz_t ROP, mp_size_t MAX_SIZE)
      Generate a random integer of at most MAX_SIZE limbs, with long
      strings of zeros and ones in the binary representation.  Useful
      for testing functions and algorithms, since this kind of random
      numbers have proven to be more likely to trigger corner-case bugs.
      Negative random numbers are generated when MAX_SIZE is negative.
      This function is obsolete.  Use `mpz_rrandomb' instead.
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