( Keyword Primitives

Info Catalog ( Keyword Procedures ( Keywords
 21.7.5 Keyword Primitives
 Internally, a keyword is implemented as something like a tagged symbol,
 where the tag identifies the keyword as being self-evaluating, and the
 symbol, known as the keyword's "dash symbol" has the same name as the
 keyword name but prefixed by a single dash.  For example, the keyword
 `#:name' has the corresponding dash symbol `-name'.
    Most keyword objects are constructed automatically by the reader
 when it reads a token beginning with `#:'.  However, if you need to
 construct a keyword object programmatically, you can do so by calling
 `make-keyword-from-dash-symbol' with the corresponding dash symbol (as
 the reader does).  The dash symbol for a keyword object can be
 retrieved using the `keyword-dash-symbol' procedure.
  -- Scheme Procedure: make-keyword-from-dash-symbol symbol
  -- C Function: scm_make_keyword_from_dash_symbol (symbol)
      Make a keyword object from a SYMBOL that starts with a dash.
  -- Scheme Procedure: keyword? obj
  -- C Function: scm_keyword_p (obj)
      Return `#t' if the argument OBJ is a keyword, else `#f'.
  -- Scheme Procedure: keyword-dash-symbol keyword
  -- C Function: scm_keyword_dash_symbol (keyword)
      Return the dash symbol for KEYWORD.  This is the inverse of
Info Catalog ( Keyword Procedures ( Keywords
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