( Procedure Properties

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 23.3 Procedure Properties and Meta-information
 Procedures always have attached the environment in which they were
 created and information about how to apply them to actual arguments.  In
 addition to that, properties and meta-information can be stored with
 procedures.  The procedures in this section can be used to test whether
 a given procedure satisfies a condition; and to access and set a
 procedure's property.
    The first group of procedures are predicates to test whether a Scheme
 object is a procedure, or a special procedure, respectively.
 `procedure?' is the most general predicates, it returns `#t' for any
 kind of procedure.  `closure?' does not return `#t' for primitive
 procedures, and `thunk?' only returns `#t' for procedures which do not
 accept any arguments.
  -- Scheme Procedure: procedure? obj
  -- C Function: scm_procedure_p (obj)
      Return `#t' if OBJ is a procedure.
  -- Scheme Procedure: closure? obj
  -- C Function: scm_closure_p (obj)
      Return `#t' if OBJ is a closure.
  -- Scheme Procedure: thunk? obj
  -- C Function: scm_thunk_p (obj)
      Return `#t' if OBJ is a thunk.
    Procedure properties are general properties to be attached to
 procedures.  These can be the name of a procedure or other relevant
 information, such as debug hints.
  -- Scheme Procedure: procedure-name proc
  -- C Function: scm_procedure_name (proc)
      Return the name of the procedure PROC
  -- Scheme Procedure: procedure-source proc
  -- C Function: scm_procedure_source (proc)
      Return the source of the procedure PROC.
  -- Scheme Procedure: procedure-environment proc
  -- C Function: scm_procedure_environment (proc)
      Return the environment of the procedure PROC.
  -- Scheme Procedure: procedure-properties proc
  -- C Function: scm_procedure_properties (proc)
      Return OBJ's property list.
  -- Scheme Procedure: procedure-property obj key
  -- C Function: scm_procedure_property (obj, key)
      Return the property of OBJ with name KEY.
  -- Scheme Procedure: set-procedure-properties! proc alist
  -- C Function: scm_set_procedure_properties_x (proc, alist)
      Set OBJ's property list to ALIST.
  -- Scheme Procedure: set-procedure-property! obj key value
  -- C Function: scm_set_procedure_property_x (obj, key, value)
      In OBJ's property list, set the property named KEY to VALUE.
    Documentation for a procedure can be accessed with the procedure
  -- Scheme Procedure: procedure-documentation proc
  -- C Function: scm_procedure_documentation (proc)
      Return the documentation string associated with `proc'.  By
      convention, if a procedure contains more than one expression and
      the first expression is a string constant, that string is assumed
      to contain documentation for that procedure.
    Source properties are properties which are related to the source
 code of a procedure, such as the line and column numbers, the file name
  -- Scheme Procedure: set-source-properties! obj plist
  -- C Function: scm_set_source_properties_x (obj, plist)
      Install the association list PLIST as the source property list for
  -- Scheme Procedure: set-source-property! obj key datum
  -- C Function: scm_set_source_property_x (obj, key, datum)
      Set the source property of object OBJ, which is specified by KEY
      to DATUM.  Normally, the key will be a symbol.
  -- Scheme Procedure: source-properties obj
  -- C Function: scm_source_properties (obj)
      Return the source property association list of OBJ.
  -- Scheme Procedure: source-property obj key
  -- C Function: scm_source_property (obj, key)
      Return the source property specified by KEY from OBJ's source
      property list.
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