( SRFI-1 Association Lists

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 39.3.9 Association Lists
 Association lists are described in detail in section  Association
 Lists.  The present section only documents the additional procedures
 for dealing with association lists defined by SRFI-1.
  -- Scheme Procedure: assoc key alist [=]
      Return the pair from ALIST which matches KEY.  Equality is
      determined by =, which defaults to `equal?' if not given.  ALIST
      must be an association lists--a list of pairs.
  -- Scheme Procedure: alist-cons key datum alist
      Equivalent to
           (cons (cons KEY DATUM) ALIST)
      This procedure is used to coons a new pair onto an existing
      association list.
  -- Scheme Procedure: alist-copy alist
      Return a newly allocated copy of ALIST, that means that the spine
      of the list as well as the pairs are copied.
  -- Scheme Procedure: alist-delete key alist [=]
  -- Scheme Procedure: alist-delete! key alist [=]
      Return a list containing the pairs of ALIST, but without the pairs
      whose CARS are equal to KEY.  Equality is determined by =, which
      defaults to `equal?' if not given.
      `alist-delete!' is allowed, but not required to modify the
      structure of the list ALIST in order to produce the result.
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