( GIS MySQL-Specific Functions

Info Catalog ( GIS WKB Functions ( Creating spatial values Creating Geometry Values Using MySQL-Specific Functions
 * MySQL does not implement the functions listed in this section.
 MySQL provides a set of useful functions for creating geometry WKB
 representations. The functions described in this section are MySQL
 extensions to the OpenGIS specifications. The results of these
 functions are `BLOB' values containing WKB representations of geometry
 values with no SRID.  The results of these functions can be substituted
 as the first argument for any function in the `GeomFromWKB()' function
      Constructs a WKB `GeometryCollection'. If any argument is not a
      well-formed WKB representation of a geometry, the return value is
      Constructs a WKB `LineString' value from a number of WKB `Point'
      arguments.  If any argument is not a WKB `Point', the return value
      is `NULL'.  If the number of `Point' arguments is less than two,
      the return value is `NULL'.
      Constructs a WKB `MultiLineString' value using WKB `LineString'
      arguments.  If any argument is not a WKB `LineString', the return
      value is `NULL'.
      Constructs a WKB `MultiPoint' value using WKB `Point' arguments.
      If any argument is not a WKB `Point', the return value is `NULL'.
      Constructs a WKB `MultiPolygon' value from a set of WKB `Polygon'
      arguments.  If any argument is not a WKB `Polygon', the return
      value is `NULL'.
      Constructs a WKB `Point' using its coordinates.
      Constructs a WKB `Polygon' value from a number of WKB `LineString'
      arguments. If any argument does not represent the WKB of a
      `LinearRing' (that is, not a closed and simple `LineString') the
      return value is `NULL'.
Info Catalog ( GIS WKB Functions ( Creating spatial values
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