
getmany -- management utility that retrieves classes of variables from an SNMP entity


getmany [ -f defns_file ] entity_addr community_string variable_class_name [ variable_class_name ] ...


getmany is an SNMP application that retrieves classes of variables from an SNMP entity. The arguments are the entity's address, the community string for access to the SNMP entity, and the variable class name(s). The variable class name is expressed as an object identifier in either dot-notation or as the Mib-variable from the MIB document.

The optional argument -f is used to specify a file containing the mosy(ADMN) and post_mosy(ADMN) compiled list of object names and their numeric Object Identifiers, in addition to the objects in the standard MIB. This allows the user to dynamically augment the number of objects that can be recognized by the management utility.

getmany retrieves the variable class by first calling the SNMP entity with the variable class name to get the first variable in the class. Utilizing the GET_NEXT() capability, it then calls the entity again using the variable name returned in the previous call to retrieve the next variable in the class. For instance, running the following:

getmany suzzy public ipRouteDest

will traverse the network entity's ipRouteDest variable class. The traversal of the variable space stops when all of the classes being polled return a variable of a class different than what was requested.

getmany -f cisco.objects cisco_box public ltsLineTable

will traverse the cisco_box's ltsLineTable (Local Terminal Server Line Table) variable class. The file cisco.objects contains the names and the numeric Object Identifiers of all the objects in the ``cisco'' enterprise sub-tree. This file can be generated using mibcomp (see mosy(ADMN)).

Note that a network entity's entire variable tree can be traversed with a call of:

getmany suzzy public iso

See also

getid(ADMN), getmet(ADMN), getnext(ADMN), getone(ADMN), getroute(ADMN), getsub(ADMN), mosy(ADMN), post_mosy(ADMN), setany(ADMN), snmpd(ADMN), snmpd.conf(SFF), snmpd.comm(SFF), snmpd.peers(SFF), snmpd.trap(SFF), snmpstat(ADMN), trap_rece(ADMN), trap_send(ADMN)

Standards conformance

getmany is conformant with:

RFC 1155 (STD 16), RFC 1156, RFC 1157 (STD 15), RFC 1213 (STD 17), RFC 1227, RFC 1231, RFC 1354, RFC 1398, RFC 1389, RFC 1471, RFC 1473

© 2003 Caldera International, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.7 -- 11 February 2003