


       after - Execute a command after a time delay


       after ms

       after ms ?script script script ...?

       after cancel id

       after cancel script script script ...

       after idle ?script script script ...?

       after info ?id?


       This  command is used to delay execution of the program or to execute a
       command in background sometime in the future.  It  has  several  forms,
       depending on the first argument to the command:

       after ms
              Ms  must  be an integer giving a time in milliseconds.  The com-
              mand sleeps for ms milliseconds and  then  returns.   While  the
              command  is sleeping the application does not respond to events.

       after ms ?script script script ...?
              In this form the command returns immediately,  but  it  arranges
              for  a  Tcl  command  to be executed ms milliseconds later as an
              event handler.  The command will be executed  exactly  once,  at
              the  given time.  The delayed command is formed by concatenating
              all the script arguments in the same fashion as the concat  com-
              mand.  The command will be executed at global level (outside the
              context of any Tcl procedure).  If an error occurs while execut-
              ing  the  delayed  command then the bgerror mechanism is used to
              report the error.  The after command returns an identifier  that
              can be used to cancel the delayed command using after cancel.

       after cancel id
              Cancels  the  execution of a delayed command that was previously
              scheduled.  Id indicates which command should be  canceled;   it
              must  have  been the return value from a previous after command.
              If the command given by id has already been  executed  then  the
              after cancel command has no effect.

       after cancel script script ...
              This  command  also  cancels the execution of a delayed command.
              The script arguments are concatenated together with space  sepa-
              rators  (just  as in the concat command).  If there is a pending
              command that matches the string, it is cancelled and will  never
              be  executed;   if no such command is currently pending then the
              after cancel command has no effect.

       after idle script ?script script ...?
              Concatenates the script arguments together with space separators
              (just  as in the concat command), and arranges for the resulting
              script to be evaluated later as an idle  callback.   The  script
              will  be  run  exactly  once,  the  next  time the event loop is
              entered and there are no events to process.  The command returns
              an  identifier  that  can  be used to cancel the delayed command
              using after cancel.  If an  error  occurs  while  executing  the
              script then the bgerror mechanism is used to report the error.

       after info ?id?
              This  command returns information about existing event handlers.
              If no id argument is supplied, the command returns a list of the
              identifiers for all existing event handlers created by the after
              command for this interpreter.  If id is supplied,  it  specifies
              an  existing  handler;  id  must have been the return value from
              some previous call to after and it must not have  triggered  yet
              or been cancelled.  In this case the command returns a list with
              two elements.  The first element of the list is the script asso-
              ciated  with  id, and the second element is either idle or timer
              to indicate what kind of event handler it is.

       The after ms and after idle forms of the command assume that the appli-
       cation  is  event  driven:   the  delayed commands will not be executed
       unless the application enters the event loop.  In applications that are
       not normally event-driven, such as tclsh, the event loop can be entered
       with the vwait and update commands.


       This defines a command to make Tcl do nothing at all for N seconds:
              proc sleep {N} {
                 after [expr {int($N * 1000)}]

       This arranges for the command wake_up to be run in eight hours (provid-
       ing the event loop is active at that time):
              after [expr {1000 * 60 * 60 * 8}] wake_up

       The  following  command can be used to do long-running calculations (as
       represented here by ::my_calc::one_step, which is assumed to  return  a
       boolean indicating whether another step should be performed) in a step-
       by-step fashion, though the calculation itself needs to be arranged  so
       it  can work step-wise.  This technique is extra careful to ensure that
       the event loop is not starved by the rescheduling of  processing  steps
       (arranging  for  the  next  step  to be done using an already-triggered
       timer event only when the event queue has been drained) and  is  useful
       when  you want to ensure that a Tk GUI remains responsive during a slow
              proc doOneStep {} {
                 if {[::my_calc::one_step]} {
                    after idle [list after 0 doOneStep]


       bgerror(n), concat(n), update(n), vwait(n)


       cancel, delay, idle callback, sleep, time

Tcl                                   7.5                             after(n)

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