

       ldap_result - Wait for the result of an LDAP operation


       OpenLDAP LDAP (libldap, -lldap)


       #include <ldap.h>

       int ldap_result( LDAP *ld, int msgid, int all,
            struct timeval *timeout, LDAPMessage **result );

       int ldap_msgfree( LDAPMessage *msg );

       int ldap_msgtype( LDAPMessage *msg );

       int ldap_msgid( LDAPMessage *msg );


       The  ldap_result() routine is used to wait for and return the result of
       an operation previously initiated by one of the LDAP asynchronous oper-
       ation  routines  (e.g.,  ldap_search(3),  ldap_modify(3), etc.).  Those
       routines all return -1 in case of error, and an  invocation  identifier
       upon  successful initiation of the operation. The invocation identifier
       is picked by the library and is guaranteed to be unique across the LDAP
       session.   It can be used to request the result of a specific operation
       from ldap_result() through the msgid parameter.

       The ldap_result() routine will block or not, depending upon the setting
       of the timeout parameter.  If timeout is not a NULL pointer,  it  spec-
       ifies  a  maximum interval  to wait for the selection to complete.   If
       timeout  is  a  NULL  pointer,  the  select  blocks  indefinitely.   To
       effect  a  poll,  the  timeout argument should be a  non-NULL  pointer,
       pointing to a zero-valued timeval structure.  See select(2) for further

       If the result of a specific operation is required, msgid should be  set
       to the invocation identifier returned when the operation was initiated,
       otherwise LDAP_RES_ANY or LDAP_RES_UNSOLICITED should  be  supplied  to
       wait for any or unsolicited response.

       The  all  parameter,  if  non-zero,  causes ldap_result() to return all
       responses with msgid, otherwise only the  next  response  is  returned.
       This  is  commonly  used to obtain all the responses of a search opera-

       A search response is made up of zero or more search  entries,  zero  or
       more  search  references,  and  zero or more extended parital responses
       followed by a search result.  If all is set to 0, search  entries  will
       be  returned  one  at  a  time  as  they come in, via separate calls to
       ldap_result().  If it's set to 1, the  search  response  will  only  be
       returned  in its entirety, i.e., after all entries, all references, all
       extended parital responses, and  the  final  search  result  have  been

       Upon  success,  the  type  of  the  result received is returned and the
       result parameter will contain the result of the operation.  This result
       should  be  passed  to the LDAP parsing routines, ldap_first_message(3)
       and friends, for interpretation.

       The possible result types returned are:

            LDAP_RES_BIND (0x61)
            LDAP_RES_SEARCH_ENTRY (0x64)
            LDAP_RES_SEARCH_REFERENCE (0x73)
            LDAP_RES_SEARCH_RESULT (0x65)
            LDAP_RES_MODIFY (0x67)
            LDAP_RES_ADD (0x69)
            LDAP_RES_DELETE (0x6b)
            LDAP_RES_MODDN (0x6d)
            LDAP_RES_COMPARE (0x6f)
            LDAP_RES_EXTENDED (0x78)
            LDAP_RES_EXTENDED_PARTIAL (0x79)

       The ldap_msgfree() routine is used to free  the  memory  allocated  for
       result(s) by ldap_result() or ldap_search_s(3) and friends.  It takes a
       pointer to the result or result chain to be freed and returns the  type
       of  the last message in the chain.  If the parameter is NULL, the func-
       tion does nothing and returns zero.

       The ldap_msgtype() routine returns the type of a message.

       The ldap_msgid() routine returns the message id of a message.


       ldap_result() returns -1 if something bad  happens,  and  zero  if  the
       timeout specified was exceeded.  ldap_msgtype() and ldap_msgid() return
       -1 on error.


       ldap(3), ldap_search(3), ldap_first_message(3), select(2)


       OpenLDAP  is  developed  and  maintained  by   The   OpenLDAP   Project
       (   OpenLDAP  is  derived  from University of
       Michigan LDAP 3.3 Release.

OpenLDAP 2.2.30                   2005/11/18                    LDAP_RESULT(3)

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