
ftp_api -- FTP API operations


cc ... -lftp

#include <net/libftp.h>

#define BINARY 1 #define ASCII 2

typedef struct { long size_bytes; /* total bytes transferred */ float seconds; /* time taken to transfer */ float kbs; /* kilobytes per second */ } SPEED;

typedef struct { FILE *filedes; /* data file descriptor */ char transf_type; /* type of transfer - user settable */ char *ftp_msg; /* error status of function or reply string from server */ int transf_calc; /* flag to turn on xfer rate calc - user settable */ SPEED speed; /* xfer rate information */ int sockfd; /* CNTRL connection socket id */ int datasd; /* DATA connection socket id */ int reply; /* return value of function or reply code from server */ int debug; /* flag to turn on debugging - user settable */ int linger; /* flag to turn on socket linger opt - user settable */ int connected; /* flag to indicate the existence of a control connection for the session under question */ struct servent *ftp_sp; /* specific service entry */ } FTPINFO;

ftp_accnt(ftpinfo, account)
FTPINFO *ftpinfo;
const char *account;
FTPINFO *ftpinfo;
FTPINFO *ftpinfo;
FTPINFO *ftpinfo;
ftp_chdir(ftpinfo, rempath)
FTPINFO *ftpinfo;
const char *rempath;
ftp_command(ftpinfo, optinfo, action)
FTPINFO *ftpinfo;
const char *optinfo;
const char *action;
ftp_dataconn(ftpinfo, file, action, mode)
FTPINFO *ftpinfo;
const char *file
const char *action;
const char *mode;
ftp_del(ftpinfo, file)
FTPINFO *ftpinfo;
const char *file;
ftp_dir(ftpinfo, rempath, localpath)
FTPINFO *ftpinfo;
const char *rempath;
const char *localpath;
FTPINFO	*ftpinfo;
ftp_getfile(ftpinfo, rempath, localpath)
FTPINFO *ftpinfo;
const char *rempath;
const char *localpath;
ftp_idle(ftpinfo, idle_time)
FTPINFO *ftpinfo;
const char *idle_time;
FTPINFO *ftpinfo;
ftp_login(ftpinfo, remhost, user, passwd, account)
FTPINFO *ftpinfo;
const char *remhost;
const char *user;
const char *passwd;
const char *account;
ftp_mkdir(ftpinfo, remdir)
FTPINFO *ftpinfo;
const char *remdir;
ftp_passwd(ftpinfo, password)
FTPINFO *ftpinfo;
const char *password;
ftp_prconnect(ftpinfo, remhost)
FTPINFO *ftpinfo;
const char *remhost;
ftp_putfile(ftpinfo, rempath, localpath)
FTPINFO *ftpinfo;
const char *rempath;
const char *localpath;
FTPINFO *ftpinfo;
ftp_rmdir(ftpinfo, remdir)
FTPINFO *ftpinfo;
const char *remdir;
ftp_settype(ftpinfo, type)
FTPINFO *ftpinfo;
int type;
ftp_site(ftpinfo, site_cmd)
FTPINFO *ftpinfo;
const char *site_cmd;
FTPINFO	*ftpinfo;
ftp_user(ftpinfo, name)
FTPINFO *ftpinfo;
const char *name;


Three categories of routines make up the FTP API: setup routines, control routines, and data transfer routines.

NOTE: In all the routines defined in this API, the ftpinfo argument is a ``value-result'' one, in that the result is returned in the argument to the routine itself, with the exception that some of the fields (marked ``user settable'') of the FTPINFO structure can be assigned values before the routine is called.

Setup routines

The setup routines establish the initial FTP connection with the remote host. These routines include ftp_prconnect and ftp_login. These two routines are redundant in that ftp_login calls ftp_prconnect; ftp_login then performs additional steps.

ftp_prconnect is usually the first routine called from this API. It establishes an FTP connection (control channel) with a remote host. ftp_prconnect routine takes the arguments ftpinfo and host, where host is the name of the remote host to which the FTP connection is to be established. The sockfd field of the FTPINFO structure stores the value of the socket descriptor used for the control channel. If the control channel is successfully established, the connected field is set to 1 to indicate the existence of a control channel. If the debug (see ``Debugging'' below) field is set, a server specific entry is stored in the ftp_sp field.

Unlike ftp_prconnect, ftp_login performs a complete login to the remote host. ftp_login does the equivalent of calling ftp_prconnect, ftp_user, and ftp_passwd, in that sequence, to login to the remote host through an FTP connection. ftp_login takes the following arguments: ftpinfo, remhost, user, password, and account, where remhost is the remote host to connect to, user and password are the user's FTP login name and password used to login to the remote host, and account is the TELNET string identifying the user's account.

Control routines

The control routines provide much of the commonly used FTP functions which can be performed over the FTP control channel without opening an FTP data channel. These include setting FTP connection parameters, changing the working directory on the remote host, and others.

The first routine listed here, ftp_command, provides a common set of functionality for communicating with the remote host. Many of the other control routines use this routine to accomplish their tasks. The control routines are listed in alphabetical order following ftp_command.

Execution of control routines depends on the existence of an FTP control channel such as that established with ftp_prconnect or ftp_login.

ftp_command sends FTP specific information to the FTP server on the remote host. The routines ftp_chdir, ftp_user, ftp_passwd, ftp_accnt, ftp_mkdir, ftp_rmdir, ftp_del, ftp_pwd, ftp_idle, ftp_site, and ftp_bye are implemented as macros which essentially call this routine to send their respective protocol specific information/keywords to the remote server. This routine takes the following arguments: ftpinfo, optinfo, and action where optinfo is the argument that the protocol specific command takes and action is the protocol specific command itself. For example, ftp_pwd is implemented as a macro via ftp_command where, optinfo is NULL and action is PWD, whereas for ftp_del (which is also implemented as a macro), optinfo is a filename and action is DELE.

ftp_accnt sends the user's account information to the remote host through an FTP connection. This routine takes the following arguments: ftpinfo and account, where account is a TELNET string identifying the user's account.

ftp_ascii sets the data transfer type to ASCII. This routine takes the argument ftpinfo. It automatically sets the transf_type field of the FTPINFO structure to ASCII.

ftp_binary sets the data transfer type to BINARY. This routine takes the argument ftpinfo. It automatically sets the transf_type field of the FTPINFO structure to BINARY.

ftp_bye closes the FTP connection gracefully. It takes the argument ftpinfo.

ftp_chdir changes the directory on the remote host through an FTP connection. This routine takes the following arguments: ftpinfo and rempath where rempath is the name of the remote directory to which to change.

ftp_del deletes a file on the remote host through an FTP connection. This routine takes the following arguments: ftpinfo and file where file is the name of the file that is to be deleted on the remote host.

ftp_ebcdic is used to set the transfer type to EBCDIC. This routine takes the argument ftpinfo. It automatically sets the transf_type field of the FTPINFO structure to EBCDIC.

ftp_idle sets the idle time for the FTP connection. The local host closes the connection if activity on the connection is idle for this duration. This routine takes the following arguments: ftpinfo and idle_time where idle_time is the maximum idle time before disconnect.

ftp_mkdir creates a directory on the remote host through an FTP connection. This routine takes the following arguments: ftpinfo and remdir where remdir is the name of the remote directory to be created.

ftp_passwd sends the user's password to the remote host through an FTP connection. This routine takes the following arguments: ftpinfo and password, where password is the user's FTP password used to login to the remote host.

ftp_pwd gets the current working directory on the remote host through an FTP connection. This routine takes the argument ftpinfo.

ftp_rmdir removes a directory on the remote host through an FTP connection. This routine takes the following arguments: ftpinfo and remdir where remdir is the name of the directory that is to be removed.

ftp_settype sets the data transfer type for the FTP connection. This routine takes the following arguments: ftpinfo and type where type should be one of ASCII (integer value 2) or BINARY (integer value 1). It sets the transf_type field of the FTPINFO structure to type specified by type. If any other type is specified, the msg field of FTPINFO is set to indicate that a transfer type not understood by the API was set and the call returns -1.

ftp_site sends a SITE command to the remote FTP server. This routine takes the following arguments: ftpinfo and site_cmd, where site_cmd is the argument passed to the FTP SITE command.

ftp_tenex is used to set the transfer type to TENEX. This routine takes the argument ftpinfo. It automatically sets the transf_type field of the FTPINFO structure to TENEX.

ftp_user sends the user's name to the remote host through an FTP connection. This routine takes the following arguments: ftpinfo and name, where name is the user's FTP login name used to login to the remote host.

Data transfer routines

The data transfer routines include a routine for initializing a data channel on the FTP connection (ftp_initconn), three routines that perform specific data transfers (ftp_dir, ftp_getfile, ftp_putfile), and a routine that provides transfer functionality common to the three specific transfer routines (ftp_dataconn).

Before the specific data transfer routines can be invoked, a data channel must be established on the FTP connection using the ftp_initconn routine. It opens a data channel socket (separate from the FTP control channel socket) and starts a listen on the data channel which is required before the transfer of files over the data channel. This routine takes the argument ftpinfo. The datasd field of the FTPINFO structure stores the value of the socket descriptor used for the data channel. Setting the linger field to a non-zero value turns on the socket linger option which in turn sets the socket linger interval to 60 seconds.

ftp_dir lists the directory on the remote host through an FTP connection. This routine takes the following arguments: ftpinfo, rempath, and localpath where rempath is the name of the remote path whose directory is to be listed and localpath is the name of the output file. If localpath is NULL then the output is displayed on stdout, else it is written into the file specified by localpath.

ftp_getfile transfers a file from a remote host to the local host through an FTP connection. This routine takes the following arguments: ftpinfo, rempath, and localpath, where rempath is the name of the remote file and localpath is the name of the file on the local host. If localpath is NULL, then a file with the same name as remote file is created in the current local working directory. If the transf_calc field is nonzero in the FTPINFO data structure, the transfer rate is calculated and placed in the speed field. If the transf_type field is not set, the routine automatically sets it to type BINARY.

ftp_putfile transfers a file from the local host to the remote host through an FTP connection. This routine takes the following arguments: ftpinfo, rempath, and localpath, where rempath is the name of the remote file and localpath is the name of the local file. If rempath is NULL, a remote file with the same name as the local file is created in the current remote working directory. If the transf_calc field is nonzero in the FTPINFO data structure, the transfer rate is calculated and placed in the speed field. If the transf_type field is not set, the routine automatically sets it to type BINARY.

The ftp_dataconn routine is typically called by a specific data transfer routine to provide some common data transfer functionality. The routines ftp_dir, ftp_getfile, and ftp_putfile make use of this routine. Specifically, ftp_dataconn associates the file descriptor of the specific routine with the data channel socket. ftp_dataconn also provides the functionality which triggers the data transfer by signalling the remote host via the FTP control channel. ftp_dataconn takes the following arguments: ftpinfo, file, action, and mode, where file is the file or path to be worked on at the remote server, action is the protocol specific command sent to the remote server, and mode is either ``r'' or ``w'' depending on the direction of the transfer. The filedes field in the FTPINFO structure holds the value of the file descriptor for the specific transfer routine. In essence, this is either the destination or source file descriptor depending on the type of action performed.

Return values

If successful, these routines return 1. If unsuccessful, these routines return -1 and set the ftp_msg field of the FTPINFO structure to point to a string indicating the description of the error. The routines try to return the actual reply code from the server in the reply field. A -1 is returned in this field if and only if the client program fails to talk to the server during any specific part of the message transfer.


If the debug field in the FTPINFO structure is nonzero, the FTP command being sent from the client to the server is printed on stdout. Socket level debugging is turned on using the setsockopt call. The server specific entry is stored in the ftp_sp field. This feature, in conjunction with the ftp_msg and reply fields, can be used to obtain valuable debugging information.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/libftp.h>

#define NORMAL 0 #define ABNORMAL 1 #define ON 1 #define OFF 0

main (argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { FTPINFO ftpinfo; void usage(), check_n_close(); char *progname; char *host; progname = (char *) argv[0]; if ( argc < 2 ) (void) usage(progname);

host = argv[1]; ftpinfo.debug = ON; ftpinfo.transf_calc = ON; ftpinfo.linger = OFF;

/* * connect to peer at remote host. */ if (ftp_prconnect ( &ftpinfo, host ) < 0) { printf("error: ftp_prconnect failed.\n"); (void) check_n_close ( &ftpinfo, ABNORMAL ); }

/* * send user name to the remote server. */ if (ftp_user( &ftpinfo, "root" ) < 0) { printf("error: ftp_user failed.\n"); (void) check_n_close ( &ftpinfo, ABNORMAL ); }

/* * send user password to the remote server. */ if (ftp_passwd ( &ftpinfo, "hitme" ) < 0) { printf("error: ftp_passwd failed.\n"); (void) check_n_close ( &ftpinfo, ABNORMAL ); } /* * set the idle time for this connection. */ if (ftp_idle ( &ftpinfo, "7200" ) < 0) { printf("error: ftp_idle failed.\n"); (void) check_n_close ( &ftpinfo, ABNORMAL ); } /* * do a 'cd' on the remote ftp server. */ if (ftp_chdir( &ftpinfo, "/tmp" ) < 0) { printf("error: ftp_chdir failed.\n"); (void) check_n_close ( &ftpinfo, ABNORMAL ); }

/* * do a 'pwd' on the remote ftp server. */ if (ftp_pwd ( &ftpinfo ) < 0) { printf("error: ftp_pwd failed.\n"); (void) check_n_close ( &ftpinfo, ABNORMAL ); }

/* * set transfer mode to ascii. */ if (ftp_ascii ( &ftpinfo ) < 0) { printf("error: ftp_ascii failed.\n"); (void) check_n_close ( &ftpinfo, ABNORMAL ); }

/* * set transfer mode to binary. */ if (ftp_binary ( &ftpinfo ) < 0) { printf("error: ftp_binary failed.\n"); (void) check_n_close ( &ftpinfo, ABNORMAL ); }

/* * set transfer mode back to ascii - using ftp_settype. */ if (ftp_settype ( &ftpinfo, ASCII ) < 0) { printf("error: ftp_settype failed in ascii mode.\n"); (void) check_n_close ( &ftpinfo, ABNORMAL ); }

/* * set transfer mode back to binary - using ftp_settype. */ if (ftp_settype ( &ftpinfo, BINARY ) < 0) { printf("error: ftp_settype failed in binary mode.\n"); (void) check_n_close ( &ftpinfo, ABNORMAL ); }

/* * make a directory under /tmp on the server. */ if (ftp_mkdir ( &ftpinfo, "prem" ) < 0) { printf("error: ftp_mkdir failed.\n"); (void) check_n_close ( &ftpinfo, ABNORMAL ); } /* * change the mode of the directory created above. */ if (ftp_site ( &ftpinfo, "chmod 775 prem" ) < 0) { printf("error: ftp_site failed.\n"); (void) check_n_close ( &ftpinfo, ABNORMAL ); }

/* * remove the directory created above. */ if (ftp_rmdir ( &ftpinfo, "prem" ) < 0) { printf("error: ftp_rmdir failed.\n"); (void) check_n_close ( &ftpinfo, ABNORMAL ); }

/* * quit the FTP session decently. */ if (ftp_bye( &ftpinfo ) < 0) { printf("error: ftp_bye failed.\n"); (void) check_n_close ( &ftpinfo, ABNORMAL ); }

/* * use ftp_login to login into the remote ftp server and quit. */ if (ftp_login ( &ftpinfo, host, "root", "hitme", NULL ) < 0) { printf("error: ftp_login failed.\n"); (void) check_n_close ( &ftpinfo, ABNORMAL ); }

/* * do a 'put' to the remote host. */ if (ftp_putfile ( &ftpinfo, "/tmp/passwd", "/etc/passwd" ) < 0) { printf("error: ftp_putfile failed.\n"); (void) check_n_close ( &ftpinfo, ABNORMAL ); } else { printf("transfer speed: \n"); printf("\t\tbytes transferred = %ld\n", ftpinfo.speed.size_bytes); printf("\t\ttime taken = %.2g seconds\n", ftpinfo.speed.seconds); printf("\t\trate = %.2g Kbytes/s\n", ftpinfo.speed.kbs); }

/* * set transfer mode back to ascii - using ftp_settype. */ if (ftp_settype ( &ftpinfo, ASCII ) < 0) { printf("error: ftp_settype failed in ascii mode.\n"); (void) check_n_close ( &ftpinfo, ABNORMAL ); }

/* * do a 'get' from the remote host. */ if (ftp_getfile ( &ftpinfo, "/tmp/passwd","/d1/tmp/passwd" )< 0){ printf("error: ftp_getfile failed.\n"); (void) check_n_close ( &ftpinfo, ABNORMAL ); } else { printf("transfer speed: \n"); printf("\t\tbytes transferred = %ld\n", ftpinfo.speed.size_bytes); printf("\t\ttime taken = %.2g seconds\n", ftpinfo.speed.seconds); printf("\t\trate = %.2g Kbytes/s\n", ftpinfo.speed.kbs); }

/* * list /tmp on remote host to file /tmp/test. */ if (ftp_dir ( &ftpinfo, "/tmp", "/tmp/test" ) < 0) { printf("error: ftp_dir failed.\n"); (void) check_n_close ( &ftpinfo, ABNORMAL ); }

/* * list /tmp on remote host to stdout. */ if (ftp_dir ( &ftpinfo, "/tmp", NULL ) < 0) { printf("error: ftp_dir failed to write to stdout.\n"); (void) check_n_close ( &ftpinfo, ABNORMAL ); }

/* * delete the file on the remote host. */ if (ftp_del ( &ftpinfo, "/tmp/asciifile" ) < 0) { printf("error: ftp_del failed.\n"); (void) check_n_close ( &ftpinfo, ABNORMAL ); }

/* * quit the FTP sessions decently. */ if (ftp_bye( &ftpinfo ) < 0) { printf("error: ftp_bye failed.\n"); (void) check_n_close ( &ftpinfo, ABNORMAL ); }

/* * we're done with our exit the program gracefully. */ (void) check_n_close ( &ftpinfo, NORMAL );


void usage(progname) char *progname; { printf("usage: %s <remhost>\n", progname); exit (1); }

void check_n_close ( ftpinfo, status ) FTPINFO *ftpinfo; int status; { if (ftpinfo -> sockfd >= 0) close (ftpinfo -> sockfd); if (status == ABNORMAL) printf("error: %s\n", ftpinfo -> ftp_msg); else printf("success: %s\n", ftpinfo -> ftp_msg);

printf("final reply from server: %d\n", ftpinfo -> reply); fflush ( stdout ); exit (status); }

See also

© 2003 Caldera International, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.7 -- 11 February 2003