Customizing the window manager

Function constraints

Some functions cannot be used within some of the sections in the window manager configuration file. For example, you cannot use the f.title function to define a button or key binding; you can only use it in the menu specification section.

There are also constraints regarding the context in which a function can be used. For example, the f.minimize function only applies to windows ; it does not work when the pointer is on the Root menu or an icon.

You can configure a function's context as long as you stay within the limits of that function's constraints. For example, you can configure the f.kill function to work with icons, windows, or both. However, because the Root window is not an available context in which to use f.kill, you cannot configure it for use here.

``Function contexts'' describes the seven contexts in which functions can be used.

Function contexts

Context Description
app The function can be performed when the pointer is on the application window, not including the window frame.
border The function can be performed when the pointer is on the border of the window frame, not including the title bar.
frame The function can be performed when the pointer is on the window frame around a client window, including the border and title bar.
icon The function can be performed when the pointer is on an icon. Note that icon refers to window manager icons only, not Desktop icons.
root The function can be performed when:

  1. the pointer is on the Root menu, and

  2. neither a client window nor an icon is to be acted upon by the function.
title The function can be performed when the pointer is on the title area of the window frame.
window The function can be performed when the pointer is on a client window, including the title bar and frame. Some functions, such as f.maximize, apply only when the window is normalized. Others, such as f.normalize, apply only when the window is maximized or minimized.

``Where functions can be used'' describes the contexts that are available to each of the window manager functions, as well as the sections of the window manager configuration file in which you can use the functions. Note that ``button'' represents the button binding section, ``key'' represents the key binding section, and ``menu'' represents the menu specification section.

Where functions can be used

Function Contexts .mwmrc sections
f.beep root,icon,window button,key,menu
f.circle_down root,icon,window button,key,menu
f.circle_up root,icon,window button,key,menu
f.exec root,icon,window button,key,menu
f.focus_color root,icon,window button,key,menu
f.focus_key root,icon,window button,key,menu
f.hide_iconbox root,icon,window button,key,menu
f.hide_panner root,icon,window button,key,menu
f.identify root,icon,window button,key,menu
f.kill icon,window button,key,menu
f.lower root,icon,window button,key,menu
f.maximize icon,window(normal) button,key,menu root,icon,window button,key,menu
f.minimize window button,key,menu
f.move icon,window button,key,menu
f.move_screen_to_client icon button,key,menu
f.nail window button,key,menu
f.next_cmap root,icon,window button,key,menu
f.next_key root,icon,window button,key,menu
f.nop root,icon,window button,key,menu
f.normalize icon,window(maximized) button,key,menu
f.normalize_and_raise icon,window(maximized) button,key,menu
f.pack_icons root,icon,window button,key,menu
f.pan_activescreen root button,key,menu
f.pass_keys root,icon,window button,key,menu
f.post_wmenu root,icon,window button,key
f.prev_cmap root,icon,window button,key,menu
f.prev_key root,icon,window button,key,menu
f.quit_mwm root button,key,menu
f.raise root,icon,window button,key,menu
f.raise_lower icon,window button,key,menu
f.refresh root,icon,window button,key,menu
f.refresh_win window button,key,menu
f.resize window button,key,menu
f.restart root button,key,menu
f.send_msg icon,window button,key,menu
f.separator root,icon,window menu
f.set_activescreen root button,key,menu
f.set_behavior root,icon,window button,key,menu
f.show_iconbox root,icon,window button,key,menu
f.show_panner root,icon,window button,key,menu
f.snap root,icon,window button,key,menu
f.sort_icons root,icon,window button,key,menu
f.title root,icon,window menu
f.toggle_autopan root,icon,window button,key,menu

NOTE: If a function is specified in a context that does not apply, or specified in an incompatible section of the window manager configuration file, the function is treated as f.nop.

Previous topic: Function descriptions

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SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.7 -- 11 February 2003