
Intro -- introduce TLI/XTI


The X/Open Transport Interface (XTI) is a library of functions used to write networked applications over a transport provider protocol such as TCP/IP. XTI is derived from the Transport Level Interface (TLI). Both XTI and TLI are Application Program Interfaces (APIs) that allow application programs to access transport providers in a nearly transport-independent fashion. The two interfaces have their own libraries and header files but there are few differences between them otherwise. Differences between the APIs are noted to allow applications to be ported.

XTI uses the header file <xti.h> and the library xti. TLI uses the header file <sys/tiuser.h> and the library nsl (Network Services Library).

List of functions

Name Appears on page Description
t_accept t_accept(NET) accept a connect request
t_alloc t_alloc(NET) allocate a library structure
t_bind t_bind(NET) bind an address to a transport endpoint
t_close t_close(NET) close a transport endpoint
t_connect t_connect(NET) establish a connection with another transport user
t_error t_error(NET) produce error message

 |Name      | Appears on page | Description                    |
 |t_accept  | t_accept(NET)   | accept a connect request       |
 |t_alloc   | t_alloc(NET)    | allocate a library structure   |
 |t_bind    | t_bind(NET)     | bind an address to a transport |
 |          |                 | endpoint                       |
 |t_close   | t_close(NET)    | close a transport endpoint     |
 |t_connect | t_connect(NET)  | establish a connection with    |
 |          |                 | another transport user         |
 |t_error   | t_error(NET)    | produce error message          |

t_free t_free(NET) free a library structure
t_getinfo t_getinfo(NET) get protocol-specific service information
t_getstate t_getstate(NET) get the current state
t_listen t_listen(NET) listen for a connect request
t_look t_look(NET) look at the current event on a transport endpoint

 |t_free     | t_free(NET)     | free a library structure       |
 |t_getinfo  | t_getinfo(NET)  | get protocol-specific service  |
 |           |                 | information                    |
 |t_getstate | t_getstate(NET) | get the current state          |
 |t_listen   | t_listen(NET)   | listen for a connect request   |
 |t_look     | t_look(NET)     | look at the current event on a |
 |           |                 | transport endpoint             |

t_open t_open(NET) establish a transport endpoint
t_optmgmt t_optmgmt(NET) manage options for a transport endpoint
t_rcv t_rcv(NET) receive data or expedited data sent over a connection
t_rcvconnect t_rcvconnect(NET) receive the confirmation from a connect request
t_rcvudata t_rcvudata(NET) receive a data unit
t_rcvdis t_rcvdis(NET) retrieve information from disconnect
t_rcvrel t_rcvrel(NET) acknowledge receipt of an orderly release indication
t_rcvuderr t_rcvuderr(NET) receive a unit data error indication

 |t_open       | t_open(NET)       | establish a transport endpoint |
 |t_optmgmt    | t_optmgmt(NET)    | manage options for a transport |
 |             |                   | endpoint                       |
 |t_rcv        | t_rcv(NET)        | receive data or expedited data |
 |             |                   | sent over a connection         |
 |t_rcvconnect | t_rcvconnect(NET) | receive the confirmation from  |
 |             |                   | a connect request              |
 |t_rcvudata   | t_rcvudata(NET)   | receive a data unit            |
 |t_rcvdis     | t_rcvdis(NET)     | retrieve information from      |
 |             |                   | disconnect                     |
 |t_rcvrel     | t_rcvrel(NET)     | acknowledge receipt of an      |
 |             |                   | orderly release indication     |
 |t_rcvuderr   | t_rcvuderr(NET)   | receive a unit data error      |
 |             |                   | indication                     |

t_snd t_snd(NET) send data or expedited data over a connection
t_snddis t_snddis(NET) send user-initiated disconnect request
t_sndrel t_sndrel(NET) initiate an orderly release
t_sndudata t_sndudata(NET) send a data unit
t_sync t_sync(NET) synchronize transport library
t_unbind t_unbind(NET) disable a transport endpoint

 |t_snd      | t_snd(NET)      | send data or expedited data    |
 |           |                 | over a connection              |
 |t_snddis   | t_snddis(NET)   | send user-initiated disconnect |
 |           |                 | request                        |
 |t_sndrel   | t_sndrel(NET)   | initiate an orderly release    |
 |t_sndudata | t_sndudata(NET) | send a data unit               |
 |t_sync     | t_sync(NET)     | synchronize transport library  |
 |t_unbind   | t_unbind(NET)   | disable a transport endpoint   |


TLI static shared library

TLI dynamic linked library

TLI header file

XTI static shared library

XTI dynamic linked library

XTI header file

See also

netbuf(FP), t_info(FP)

Standards conformance

The XTI API routines are conformant with:

AT&T SVID Issue 3 ;
X/Open CAE Specification, Networking Services, Issue 4, 1994. ;
and Intel386 Binary Compatibility Specification, Edition 2 (iBCSe2) .

© 2003 Caldera International, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.7 -- 11 February 2003