( Procedure Index

Info Catalog ( Concept Index ( Top ( Variable Index
 Procedure Index
 This is an alphabetical list of all the procedures and macros in Guile.
    When looking for a particular procedure, please look under its Scheme
 name as well as under its C name.  The C name can be constructed from
 the Scheme names by a simple transformation described in the section
  Transforming Scheme name to C name.


* $abs                                  Primitive Numerics.  (line  12)
* $acos                                 Primitive Numerics.  (line  35)
* $acosh                                Primitive Numerics.  (line  67)
* $asin                                 Primitive Numerics.  (line  32)
* $asinh                                Primitive Numerics.  (line  64)
* $atan                                 Primitive Numerics.  (line  38)
* $atan2                                Primitive Numerics.  (line  41)
* $atanh                                Primitive Numerics.  (line  70)
* $cos                                  Primitive Numerics.  (line  26)
* $cosh                                 Primitive Numerics.  (line  58)
* $exp                                  Primitive Numerics.  (line  48)
* $expt                                 Primitive Numerics.  (line  18)
* $log                                  Primitive Numerics.  (line  52)
* $sin                                  Primitive Numerics.  (line  23)
* $sinh                                 Primitive Numerics.  (line  55)
* $sqrt                                 Primitive Numerics.  (line  15)
* $tan                                  Primitive Numerics.  (line  29)
* $tanh                                 Primitive Numerics.  (line  61)
* %library-dir                          Build Config.        (line  40)
* %make-void-port                       Void Ports.          (line  10)
* %package-data-dir                     Build Config.        (line  34)
* %read-delimited!                      Line/Delimited.      (line  75)
* %read-line                            Line/Delimited.      (line  92)
* %search-load-path                     Loading.             (line  33)
* %site-dir                             Build Config.        (line  49)
* %thread-handler                       Higher level thread procedures.
                                                               (line  11)
* * <1>                                 C Hooks.             (line  89)
* *                                     Arithmetic.          (line  16)
* *gh_scm2chars                         Scheme to C.         (line  43)
* *gh_scm2doubles                       Scheme to C.         (line  47)
* *gh_scm2floats                        Scheme to C.         (line  46)
* *gh_scm2longs                         Scheme to C.         (line  45)
* *gh_scm2newstr                        Scheme to C.         (line  14)
* *gh_scm2shorts                        Scheme to C.         (line  44)
* *gh_symbol2newstr                     Scheme to C.         (line  35)
* +                                     Arithmetic.          (line   7)
* -                                     Arithmetic.          (line  11)
* ->char-set                            SRFI-14 Creating Character Sets.
                                                               (line  54)
* /                                     Arithmetic.          (line  20)
* <                                     Comparison.          (line  10)
* <=                                    Comparison.          (line  16)
* <group>-disable                       User level options interfaces.
                                                               (line  36)
* <group>-enable                        User level options interfaces.
                                                               (line  27)
* <group>-options                       User level options interfaces.
                                                               (line   7)
* <group>-set!                          User level options interfaces.
                                                               (line  45)
* =                                     Comparison.          (line   7)
* >                                     Comparison.          (line  13)
* >=                                    Comparison.          (line  20)
* abs                                   Arithmetic.          (line  24)
* accept                                Network Sockets and Communication.
                                                               (line 148)
* access?                               File System.         (line  13)
* acons                                 Adding or Setting Alist Entries.
                                                               (line  94)
* acos                                  Scientific.          (line  28)
* acosh                                 Scientific.          (line  56)
* add-hook!                             Hook Reference.      (line  43)
* advance-dfa!                          Rx Regexps.          (line 115)
* alarm                                 Signals.             (line  77)
* alist-cons                            SRFI-1 Association Lists.
                                                               (line  16)
* alist-copy                            SRFI-1 Association Lists.
                                                               (line  24)
* alist-delete                          SRFI-1 Association Lists.
                                                               (line  28)
* alist-delete!                         SRFI-1 Association Lists.
                                                               (line  29)
* and                                   and or.              (line  11)
* angle                                 Complex.             (line  26)
* any                                   SRFI-1 Searching.    (line  42)
* append                                Append/Reverse.      (line  14)
* append!                               Append/Reverse.      (line  28)
* append-map                            SRFI-1 Fold and Map. (line 104)
* append-map!                           SRFI-1 Fold and Map. (line 105)
* append-reverse                        SRFI-1 Length Append etc.
                                                               (line  18)
* append-reverse!                       SRFI-1 Length Append etc.
                                                               (line  19)
* apply                                 Fly Evaluation.      (line  40)
* applynconc2last:                      Fly Evaluation.      (line  31)
* array->list                           Conventional Arrays. (line 156)
* array-contents                        Conventional Arrays. (line 180)
* array-copy!                           Conventional Arrays. (line 160)
* array-copy-in-order!                  Conventional Arrays. (line 161)
* array-dimensions                      Conventional Arrays. (line 145)
* array-equal?                          Conventional Arrays. (line 173)
* array-fill!                           Conventional Arrays. (line 168)
* array-for-each                        Array Mapping.       (line  17)
* array-in-bounds?                      Conventional Arrays. (line  62)
* array-index-map!                      Array Mapping.       (line  22)
* array-map!                            Array Mapping.       (line   7)
* array-map-in-order!                   Array Mapping.       (line   8)
* array-prototype                       Uniform Arrays.      (line  59)
* array-rank                            Conventional Arrays. (line 151)
* array-ref                             Conventional Arrays. (line  58)
* array-set!                            Conventional Arrays. (line  66)
* array-shape                           Conventional Arrays. (line 141)
* array? <1>                            Uniform Arrays.      (line  48)
* array?                                Conventional Arrays. (line  42)
* ash                                   Bitwise Operations.  (line  56)
* asin                                  Scientific.          (line  25)
* asinh                                 Scientific.          (line  53)
* assoc <1>                             SRFI-1 Association Lists.
                                                               (line  11)
* assoc                                 Retrieving Alist Entries.
                                                               (line  15)
* assoc-ref                             Retrieving Alist Entries.
                                                               (line  41)
* assoc-remove!                         Removing Alist Entries.
                                                               (line  59)
* assoc-set!                            Adding or Setting Alist Entries.
                                                               (line 103)
* assq                                  Retrieving Alist Entries.
                                                               (line  13)
* assq-ref                              Retrieving Alist Entries.
                                                               (line  39)
* assq-remove!                          Removing Alist Entries.
                                                               (line  57)
* assq-set!                             Adding or Setting Alist Entries.
                                                               (line 101)
* assv                                  Retrieving Alist Entries.
                                                               (line  14)
* assv-ref                              Retrieving Alist Entries.
                                                               (line  40)
* assv-remove!                          Removing Alist Entries.
                                                               (line  58)
* assv-set!                             Adding or Setting Alist Entries.
                                                               (line 102)
* async                                 Asyncs.              (line  22)
* async-mark                            Asyncs.              (line  31)
* atan                                  Scientific.          (line  31)
* atanh                                 Scientific.          (line  59)
* backtrace                             Backtrace.           (line   7)
* basename                              File System.         (line 259)
* batch-mode?                           Dynamic Roots.       (line  94)
* begin                                 begin.               (line  21)
* begin-thread                          Higher level thread procedures.
                                                               (line  29)
* bind                                  Network Sockets and Communication.
                                                               (line 103)
* bit-count                             Bit Vectors.         (line  19)
* bit-count*                            Bit Vectors.         (line  44)
* bit-extract                           Bitwise Operations.  (line 105)
* bit-invert!                           Bit Vectors.         (line  29)
* bit-position                          Bit Vectors.         (line  23)
* bit-set*!                             Bit Vectors.         (line  33)
* boolean?                              Booleans.            (line  66)
* break                                 SRFI-1 Searching.    (line  33)
* break!                                SRFI-1 Searching.    (line  34)
* builtin-bindings                      Obarray Symbols.     (line  84)
* caar                                  Pairs.               (line  67)
* cadr                                  Pairs.               (line  68)
* call-with-current-continuation        Continuations.       (line  25)
* call-with-dynamic-root                Dynamic Roots.       (line  24)
* call-with-input-file                  File Ports.          (line  60)
* call-with-input-string                String Ports.        (line  17)
* call-with-new-thread                  Low level thread primitives.
                                                               (line   7)
* call-with-output-file                 File Ports.          (line  72)
* call-with-output-string               String Ports.        (line  10)
* call-with-values                      Multiple Values.     (line  29)
* car                                   Pairs.               (line  63)
* car+cdr                               SRFI-1 Selectors.    (line  19)
* case                                  if cond case.        (line  47)
* catch                                 Catch.               (line  45)
* cd                                    Processes.           (line   6)
* cdddar                                Pairs.               (line  69)
* cddddr                                Pairs.               (line  70)
* cdr                                   Pairs.               (line  64)
* ceiling                               Arithmetic.          (line  47)
* char->integer                         Characters.          (line 113)
* char-alphabetic?                      Characters.          (line  82)
* char-ci<=?                            Characters.          (line  70)
* char-ci<?                             Characters.          (line  66)
* char-ci=?                             Characters.          (line  62)
* char-ci>=?                            Characters.          (line  78)
* char-ci>?                             Characters.          (line  74)
* char-downcase                         Characters.          (line 126)
* char-is-both?                         Characters.          (line 107)
* char-lower-case?                      Characters.          (line 102)
* char-numeric?                         Characters.          (line  87)
* char-ready?                           Reading.             (line  13)
* char-set                              SRFI-14 Creating Character Sets.
                                                               (line  13)
* char-set->list                        SRFI-14 Querying Character Sets.
                                                               (line  17)
* char-set->string                      SRFI-14 Querying Character Sets.
                                                               (line  20)
* char-set-adjoin                       SRFI-14 Character-Set Algebra.
                                                               (line  12)
* char-set-adjoin!                      SRFI-14 Character-Set Algebra.
                                                               (line  13)
* char-set-any                          SRFI-14 Querying Character Sets.
                                                               (line  33)
* char-set-complement                   SRFI-14 Character-Set Algebra.
                                                               (line  22)
* char-set-complement!                  SRFI-14 Character-Set Algebra.
                                                               (line  23)
* char-set-contains?                    SRFI-14 Querying Character Sets.
                                                               (line  25)
* char-set-copy                         SRFI-14 Creating Character Sets.
                                                               (line   9)
* char-set-count                        SRFI-14 Querying Character Sets.
                                                               (line  13)
* char-set-cursor                       SRFI-14 Iterating Over Character Sets.
                                                               (line  17)
* char-set-cursor-next                  SRFI-14 Iterating Over Character Sets.
                                                               (line  25)
* char-set-delete                       SRFI-14 Character-Set Algebra.
                                                               (line  17)
* char-set-delete!                      SRFI-14 Character-Set Algebra.
                                                               (line  18)
* char-set-diff+intersection            SRFI-14 Character-Set Algebra.
                                                               (line  42)
* char-set-diff+intersection!           SRFI-14 Character-Set Algebra.
                                                               (line  43)
* char-set-difference                   SRFI-14 Character-Set Algebra.
                                                               (line  34)
* char-set-difference!                  SRFI-14 Character-Set Algebra.
                                                               (line  35)
* char-set-every                        SRFI-14 Querying Character Sets.
                                                               (line  29)
* char-set-filter                       SRFI-14 Creating Character Sets.
                                                               (line  32)
* char-set-filter!                      SRFI-14 Creating Character Sets.
                                                               (line  33)
* char-set-fold                         SRFI-14 Iterating Over Character Sets.
                                                               (line  34)
* char-set-for-each                     SRFI-14 Iterating Over Character Sets.
                                                               (line  53)
* char-set-hash                         SRFI-14 Predicates/Comparison.
                                                               (line  22)
* char-set-intersection                 SRFI-14 Character-Set Algebra.
                                                               (line  30)
* char-set-intersection!                SRFI-14 Character-Set Algebra.
                                                               (line  31)
* char-set-map                          SRFI-14 Iterating Over Character Sets.
                                                               (line  57)
* char-set-ref                          SRFI-14 Iterating Over Character Sets.
                                                               (line  20)
* char-set-size                         SRFI-14 Querying Character Sets.
                                                               (line  10)
* char-set-unfold                       SRFI-14 Iterating Over Character Sets.
                                                               (line  38)
* char-set-unfold!                      SRFI-14 Iterating Over Character Sets.
                                                               (line  39)
* char-set-union                        SRFI-14 Character-Set Algebra.
                                                               (line  26)
* char-set-union!                       SRFI-14 Character-Set Algebra.
                                                               (line  27)
* char-set-xor                          SRFI-14 Character-Set Algebra.
                                                               (line  38)
* char-set-xor!                         SRFI-14 Character-Set Algebra.
                                                               (line  39)
* char-set<=                            SRFI-14 Predicates/Comparison.
                                                               (line  18)
* char-set=                             SRFI-14 Predicates/Comparison.
                                                               (line  15)
* char-set?                             SRFI-14 Predicates/Comparison.
                                                               (line  12)
* char-upcase                           Characters.          (line 122)
* char-upper-case?                      Characters.          (line  97)
* char-whitespace?                      Characters.          (line  92)
* char<=?                               Characters.          (line  50)
* char<?                                Characters.          (line  47)
* char=?                                Characters.          (line  44)
* char>=?                               Characters.          (line  58)
* char>?                                Characters.          (line  54)
* char?                                 Characters.          (line  40)
* chdir                                 Processes.           (line   7)
* chmod                                 File System.         (line 128)
* chown                                 File System.         (line 115)
* chroot                                Processes.           (line  24)
* circular-list                         SRFI-1 Constructors. (line  19)
* circular-list?                        SRFI-1 Predicates.   (line  13)
* close                                 Ports and File Descriptors.
                                                               (line 157)
* close-all-ports-except                Close All Ports.     (line   7)
* close-fdes                            Ports and File Descriptors.
                                                               (line 165)
* close-input-port                      Closing.             (line  15)
* close-output-port                     Closing.             (line  24)
* close-pipe                            Pipes.               (line  30)
* close-port                            Closing.             (line   7)
* closedir                              File System.         (line 204)
* closure?                              Procedure Properties.
                                                               (line  25)
* command-line <1>                      Runtime Environment. (line   8)
* command-line                          The Top of a Script File.
                                                               (line  70)
* compiled-regexp?                      Rx Regexps.          (line 102)
* complex?                              Complex Numbers.     (line  29)
* concatenate                           SRFI-1 Length Append etc.
                                                               (line  11)
* concatenate!                          SRFI-1 Length Append etc.
                                                               (line  12)
* cond                                  if cond case.        (line  23)
* connect                               Network Sockets and Communication.
                                                               (line  83)
* cons                                  Pairs.               (line  46)
* cons*                                 List Constructors.   (line  16)
* cons-source                           Internal Macros.     (line 104)
* copy-file                             File System.         (line 151)
* copy-random-state                     Random.              (line   7)
* copy-tree                             Copying.             (line  13)
* cos                                   Scientific.          (line  19)
* cosh                                  Scientific.          (line  47)
* crypt                                 Encryption.          (line  13)
* ctermid                               Terminals and Ptys.  (line  17)
* current-error-port                    Default Ports.       (line  19)
* current-input-port                    Default Ports.       (line   7)
* current-load-port                     Loading.             (line  55)
* current-output-port                   Default Ports.       (line  13)
* current-time                          Time.                (line   7)
* cuserid                               User Information.    (line 115)
* debug-disable                         User level options interfaces.
                                                               (line  39)
* debug-enable                          User level options interfaces.
                                                               (line  30)
* debug-object?                         Using Traps.         (line  11)
* debug-options                         User level options interfaces.
                                                               (line  10)
* debug-options-interface               Low level options interfaces.
                                                               (line  10)
* debug-set!                            User level options interfaces.
                                                               (line  48)
* define                                Top Level.           (line  34)
* define*                               define* Reference.   (line  17)
* define*-public                        define* Reference.   (line  18)
* define-macro                          Macros.              (line  21)
* define-module                         Creating Guile Modules.
                                                               (line  19)
* define-public                         Creating Guile Modules.
                                                               (line  64)
* define-reader-ctor                    SRFI-10.             (line  30)
* defined?                              Binding Reflection.  (line  10)
* defmacro                              Macros.              (line  21)
* defmacro*                             define* Reference.   (line  38)
* defmacro*-public                      define* Reference.   (line  39)
* delete <1>                            SRFI-1 Deleting.     (line  11)
* delete                                List Modification.   (line  30)
* delete! <1>                           SRFI-1 Deleting.     (line  12)
* delete!                               List Modification.   (line  38)
* delete-duplicates                     SRFI-1 Deleting.     (line  20)
* delete-duplicates!                    SRFI-1 Deleting.     (line  21)
* delete-file                           File System.         (line 147)
* delete1!                              List Modification.   (line  61)
* delq                                  List Modification.   (line  18)
* delq!                                 List Modification.   (line  36)
* delq1!                                List Modification.   (line  49)
* delv                                  List Modification.   (line  24)
* delv!                                 List Modification.   (line  37)
* delv1!                                List Modification.   (line  55)
* destroy-guardian!                     Guardians.           (line  34)
* dfa-continuable?                      Rx Regexps.          (line 113)
* dfa-final-tag                         Rx Regexps.          (line 111)
* dfa-fork                              Rx Regexps.          (line 107)
* dimensions->uniform-array             Uniform Arrays.      (line  79)
* directory-stream?                     File System.         (line 188)
* dirname                               File System.         (line 254)
* display                               Writing.             (line  14)
* display-application                   Examining Stack Frames.
                                                               (line  54)
* display-backtrace                     Examining the Stack. (line  23)
* display-error                         Handling Errors.     (line  42)
* do                                    while do.            (line  12)
* dotted-list?                          SRFI-1 Predicates.   (line  16)
* doubly-weak-hash-table?               Weak key hashes.     (line  21)
* drain-input                           Reading.             (line  46)
* drop                                  SRFI-1 Selectors.    (line  29)
* drop-right                            SRFI-1 Selectors.    (line  35)
* drop-right!                           SRFI-1 Selectors.    (line  36)
* drop-while                            SRFI-1 Searching.    (line  27)
* dup                                   Ports and File Descriptors.
                                                               (line 222)
* dup->fdes                             Ports and File Descriptors.
                                                               (line 210)
* dup->inport                           Ports and File Descriptors.
                                                               (line 216)
* dup->outport                          Ports and File Descriptors.
                                                               (line 219)
* dup->port                             Ports and File Descriptors.
                                                               (line 226)
* dup2                                  Ports and File Descriptors.
                                                               (line 257)
* duplicate-port                        Ports and File Descriptors.
                                                               (line 230)
* dynamic-args-call                     Low level dynamic linking.
                                                               (line  57)
* dynamic-call                          Low level dynamic linking.
                                                               (line  45)
* dynamic-func                          Low level dynamic linking.
                                                               (line  34)
* dynamic-link                          Low level dynamic linking.
                                                               (line  11)
* dynamic-object?                       Low level dynamic linking.
                                                               (line  23)
* dynamic-root                          Dynamic Roots.       (line  67)
* dynamic-unlink                        Low level dynamic linking.
                                                               (line  27)
* dynamic-wind                          Dynamic Wind.        (line  10)
* effective-version                     Build Config.        (line  11)
* eighth                                SRFI-1 Selectors.    (line  14)
* enclose-array                         Conventional Arrays. (line 119)
* end-of-char-set?                      SRFI-14 Iterating Over Character Sets.
                                                               (line  30)
* endgrent                              User Information.    (line  96)
* endhostent                            Network Databases.   (line  76)
* endnetent                             Network Databases.   (line 130)
* endprotoent                           Network Databases.   (line 179)
* endpwent                              User Information.    (line  50)
* endservent                            Network Databases.   (line 243)
* entity?                               Objects.             (line   7)
* environ                               Runtime Environment. (line  31)
* eof-object?                           Reading.             (line   9)
* eq?                                   Equality.            (line  22)
* equal?                                Equality.            (line  34)
* eqv?                                  Equality.            (line  27)
* error <1>                             Handling Errors.     (line  38)
* error                                 Error Reporting.     (line  11)
* eval                                  Fly Evaluation.      (line   9)
* eval-disable                          Evaluator Behaviour. (line  24)
* eval-enable                           Evaluator Behaviour. (line  23)
* eval-options                          Evaluator Behaviour. (line  12)
* eval-options-interface <1>            Low level options interfaces.
                                                               (line   8)
* eval-options-interface                Evaluator Behaviour. (line  30)
* eval-set!                             Evaluator Behaviour. (line  25)
* eval-string                           Fly Evaluation.      (line  24)
* eval2                                 Strange Eval.        (line  14)
* evaluator-traps-interface <1>         Low level options interfaces.
                                                               (line  11)
* evaluator-traps-interface             Evaluator Behaviour. (line  54)
* even?                                 Integer Operations.  (line  11)
* every                                 SRFI-1 Searching.    (line  48)
* exact->inexact                        Exactness.           (line  27)
* exact?                                Exactness.           (line  15)
* execl                                 Processes.           (line 189)
* execle                                Processes.           (line 214)
* execlp                                Processes.           (line 204)
* exp                                   Scientific.          (line  34)
* expect                                Expect.              (line 113)
* expect-strings                        Expect.              (line  18)
* export                                Creating Guile Modules.
                                                               (line  60)
* expt                                  Scientific.          (line  13)
* false-if-exception                    Error Reporting.     (line  34)
* fchmod                                File System.         (line 127)
* fchown                                File System.         (line 114)
* fcntl                                 Ports and File Descriptors.
                                                               (line 294)
* fdes->inport                          Ports and File Descriptors.
                                                               (line  88)
* fdes->outport                         Ports and File Descriptors.
                                                               (line  93)
* fdes->ports                           Ports and File Descriptors.
                                                               (line  83)
* fdopen                                Ports and File Descriptors.
                                                               (line  76)
* feature?                              Feature Manipulation.
                                                               (line  11)
* fflush                                Writing.             (line  51)
* fifth                                 SRFI-1 Selectors.    (line  11)
* file-port?                            File Ports.          (line 138)
* fileno                                Ports and File Descriptors.
                                                               (line  67)
* filter                                SRFI-1 Filtering and Partitioning.
                                                               (line  12)
* filter!                               SRFI-1 Filtering and Partitioning.
                                                               (line  13)
* filter-map                            SRFI-1 Fold and Map. (line 136)
* find                                  SRFI-1 Searching.    (line  11)
* find-tail                             SRFI-1 Searching.    (line  15)
* first                                 SRFI-1 Selectors.    (line   7)
* flock                                 Ports and File Descriptors.
                                                               (line 328)
* floor                                 Arithmetic.          (line  44)
* fluid-ref                             Fluids.              (line  42)
* fluid-set!                            Fluids.              (line  47)
* fluid?                                Fluids.              (line  35)
* flush-all-ports                       Writing.             (line  62)
* fn                                    Defining new Scheme procedures in C.
                                                               (line  25)
* fold                                  SRFI-1 Fold and Map. (line   7)
* fold-right                            SRFI-1 Fold and Map. (line  15)
* for-each <1>                          SRFI-1 Fold and Map. (line  95)
* for-each                              List Mapping.        (line  25)
* force                                 Delayed Evaluation.  (line  14)
* force-output                          Writing.             (line  52)
* format                                Formatted Output.    (line  20)
* fourth                                SRFI-1 Selectors.    (line  10)
* frame-arguments                       Examining Stack Frames.
                                                               (line  38)
* frame-evaluating-args?                Examining Stack Frames.
                                                               (line  42)
* frame-next                            Examining Stack Frames.
                                                               (line  20)
* frame-number                          Examining Stack Frames.
                                                               (line  11)
* frame-overflow?                       Examining Stack Frames.
                                                               (line  46)
* frame-previous                        Examining Stack Frames.
                                                               (line  15)
* frame-procedure                       Examining Stack Frames.
                                                               (line  33)
* frame-procedure?                      Examining Stack Frames.
                                                               (line  29)
* frame-real?                           Examining Stack Frames.
                                                               (line  50)
* frame-source                          Examining Stack Frames.
                                                               (line  25)
* frame?                                Examining Stack Frames.
                                                               (line   7)
* fstat                                 File System.         (line  37)
* fsync                                 Ports and File Descriptors.
                                                               (line 117)
* ftell                                 Random Access.       (line  29)
* ftruncate                             Random Access.       (line  35)
* gc                                    Garbage Collection.  (line   7)
* gc-stats                              Garbage Collection.  (line  13)
* gcd                                   Integer Operations.  (line  28)
* gensym                                Symbol Primitives.   (line  99)
* gentemp                               Obarray Symbols.     (line  23)
* get-internal-real-time                Time.                (line 143)
* get-internal-run-time                 Time.                (line 147)
* get-output-string                     String Ports.        (line  47)
* get-print-state                       Writing.             (line   9)
* getcwd                                Processes.           (line  12)
* getegid                               Processes.           (line  60)
* getenv                                Runtime Environment. (line  15)
* geteuid                               Processes.           (line  53)
* getgid                                Processes.           (line  49)
* getgr                                 User Information.    (line 106)
* getgrent                              User Information.    (line  92)
* getgrgid                              User Information.    (line  81)
* getgrnam                              User Information.    (line  84)
* getgroups                             Processes.           (line  35)
* gethost                               Network Databases.   (line  39)
* gethostbyaddr                         Network Databases.   (line  41)
* gethostbyname                         Network Databases.   (line  40)
* gethostent                            Network Databases.   (line  70)
* gethostname                           System Identification.
                                                               (line  34)
* getitimer                             Signals.             (line 125)
* getlogin                              User Information.    (line 121)
* getnet                                Network Databases.   (line 106)
* getnetbyaddr                          Network Databases.   (line 108)
* getnetbyname                          Network Databases.   (line 107)
* getnetent                             Network Databases.   (line 127)
* getopt-long                           getopt-long Reference.
                                                               (line   7)
* getpass                               Encryption.          (line  21)
* getpeername                           Network Sockets and Communication.
                                                               (line 186)
* getpgrp                               Processes.           (line  93)
* getpid                                Processes.           (line  31)
* getppid                               Processes.           (line  40)
* getpriority                           Processes.           (line 253)
* getproto                              Network Databases.   (line 156)
* getprotobyname                        Network Databases.   (line 157)
* getprotobynumber                      Network Databases.   (line 158)
* getprotoent                           Network Databases.   (line 176)
* getpw                                 User Information.    (line  60)
* getpwent                              User Information.    (line  46)
* getpwnam                              User Information.    (line  38)
* getpwuid                              User Information.    (line  35)
* getserv                               Network Databases.   (line 209)
* getservbyname                         Network Databases.   (line 210)
* getservbyport                         Network Databases.   (line 211)
* getservent                            Network Databases.   (line 240)
* getsockname                           Network Sockets and Communication.
                                                               (line 180)
* getsockopt                            Network Sockets and Communication.
                                                               (line  40)
* gettimeofday                          Time.                (line  12)
* getuid                                Processes.           (line  45)
* GH_ALLOW_INTS                         Defining new Scheme procedures in C.
                                                               (line  56)
* gh_append                             Calling Scheme procedures from C.
                                                               (line  48)
* gh_append2                            Calling Scheme procedures from C.
                                                               (line  49)
* gh_append3                            Calling Scheme procedures from C.
                                                               (line  50)
* gh_append4                            Calling Scheme procedures from C.
                                                               (line  51)
* gh_apply                              Calling Scheme procedures from C.
                                                               (line 128)
* gh_assoc                              Calling Scheme procedures from C.
                                                               (line  92)
* gh_assq                               Calling Scheme procedures from C.
                                                               (line  90)
* gh_assv                               Calling Scheme procedures from C.
                                                               (line  91)
* gh_bool2scm                           C to Scheme.         (line   7)
* gh_boolean_p                          Type predicates.     (line  15)
* gh_c                                  Calling Scheme procedures from C.
                                                               (line  34)
* gh_call0                              Calling Scheme procedures from C.
                                                               (line 132)
* gh_call1                              Calling Scheme procedures from C.
                                                               (line 133)
* gh_call2                              Calling Scheme procedures from C.
                                                               (line 134)
* gh_call3                              Calling Scheme procedures from C.
                                                               (line 135)
* gh_car                                Calling Scheme procedures from C.
                                                               (line  30)
* gh_catch                              Calling Scheme procedures from C.
                                                               (line 141)
* gh_cdr                                Calling Scheme procedures from C.
                                                               (line  31)
* gh_char2scm                           C to Scheme.         (line  13)
* gh_char_p                             Type predicates.     (line  21)
* gh_chars2byvect                       C to Scheme.         (line  40)
* gh_cons                               Calling Scheme procedures from C.
                                                               (line  24)
* GH_DEFER_INTS                         Defining new Scheme procedures in C.
                                                               (line  55)
* gh_define                             Calling Scheme procedures from C.
                                                               (line  17)
* gh_double2scm                         C to Scheme.         (line  12)
* gh_doubles2dvect                      C to Scheme.         (line  45)
* gh_doubles2scm                        C to Scheme.         (line  36)
* gh_enter                              Starting and controlling the interpreter.
                                                               (line  10)
* gh_eq_p                               Equality predicates. (line  16)
* gh_equal_p                            Equality predicates. (line  24)
* gh_eqv_p                              Equality predicates. (line  20)
* gh_eval_file                          Executing Scheme code.
                                                               (line  19)
* gh_eval_str                           Executing Scheme code.
                                                               (line  10)
* gh_exact_p                            Type predicates.     (line  39)
* gh_floats2fvect                       C to Scheme.         (line  44)
* gh_get_substr                         Scheme to C.         (line  28)
* gh_inexact_p                          Type predicates.     (line  36)
* gh_ints2scm                           C to Scheme.         (line  35)
* gh_is_eq                              Calling Scheme procedures from C.
                                                               (line 146)
* gh_is_equal                           Calling Scheme procedures from C.
                                                               (line 148)
* gh_is_eqv                             Calling Scheme procedures from C.
                                                               (line 147)
* gh_length                             Calling Scheme procedures from C.
                                                               (line  45)
* gh_list                               Calling Scheme procedures from C.
                                                               (line  25)
* gh_list_p                             Type predicates.     (line  33)
* gh_list_ref                           Calling Scheme procedures from C.
                                                               (line  73)
* gh_list_tail                          Calling Scheme procedures from C.
                                                               (line  70)
* gh_list_to_vector                     Calling Scheme procedures from C.
                                                               (line 113)
* gh_load                               Executing Scheme code.
                                                               (line  20)
* gh_long2scm                           C to Scheme.         (line  11)
* gh_longs2ivect                        C to Scheme.         (line  42)
* gh_make_vector                        Calling Scheme procedures from C.
                                                               (line 108)
* gh_member                             Calling Scheme procedures from C.
                                                               (line  78)
* gh_memq                               Calling Scheme procedures from C.
                                                               (line  76)
* gh_memv                               Calling Scheme procedures from C.
                                                               (line  77)
* gh_new_procedure                      Defining new Scheme procedures in C.
                                                               (line  11)
* gh_null_p                             Equality predicates. (line  31)
* gh_obj_length                         Calling Scheme procedures from C.
                                                               (line 152)
* gh_pair_p                             Type predicates.     (line  27)
* gh_procedure_p                        Type predicates.     (line  30)
* gh_repl                               Starting and controlling the interpreter.
                                                               (line  27)
* gh_reverse                            Calling Scheme procedures from C.
                                                               (line  65)
* gh_scm2bool                           Scheme to C.         (line   7)
* gh_scm2char                           Scheme to C.         (line  11)
* gh_scm2double                         Scheme to C.         (line  10)
* gh_scm2long                           Scheme to C.         (line   9)
* gh_scm2ulong                          Scheme to C.         (line   8)
* gh_set_car_x                          Calling Scheme procedures from C.
                                                               (line  37)
* gh_set_cdr_x                          Calling Scheme procedures from C.
                                                               (line  41)
* gh_set_substr                         C to Scheme.         (line  24)
* gh_shorts2svect                       C to Scheme.         (line  41)
* gh_str02scm                           C to Scheme.         (line  20)
* gh_str2scm                            C to Scheme.         (line  16)
* gh_string_equal_p                     Equality predicates. (line  28)
* gh_symbol2scm                         C to Scheme.         (line  31)
* gh_symbol_p                           Type predicates.     (line  18)
* gh_throw                              Calling Scheme procedures from C.
                                                               (line 142)
* gh_ulong2scm                          C to Scheme.         (line  10)
* gh_ulongs2uvect                       C to Scheme.         (line  43)
* gh_vector                             Calling Scheme procedures from C.
                                                               (line 109)
* gh_vector_length                      Calling Scheme procedures from C.
                                                               (line 112)
* gh_vector_p                           Type predicates.     (line  24)
* gh_vector_ref                         Calling Scheme procedures from C.
                                                               (line 110)
* gh_vector_set                         Calling Scheme procedures from C.
                                                               (line 111)
* gmtime                                Time.                (line  66)
* guardian-destroyed?                   Guardians.           (line  44)
* guardian-greedy?                      Guardians.           (line  40)
* GUILE_CHECK_RETVAL                    Autoconf Macros.     (line  44)
* GUILE_FLAGS                           Autoconf Macros.     (line  18)
* GUILE_MODULE_AVAILABLE                Autoconf Macros.     (line  60)
* GUILE_MODULE_CHECK                    Autoconf Macros.     (line  53)
* GUILE_MODULE_EXPORTS                  Autoconf Macros.     (line  70)
* GUILE_MODULE_REQUIRED                 Autoconf Macros.     (line  65)
* GUILE_MODULE_REQUIRED_EXPORT          Autoconf Macros.     (line  76)
* GUILE_PROGS                           Autoconf Macros.     (line   9)
* GUILE_SITE_DIR                        Autoconf Macros.     (line  36)
* hash                                  Hash Table Reference.
                                                               (line 113)
* hash-create-handle!                   Hash Table Reference.
                                                               (line 180)
* hash-fold                             Hash Table Reference.
                                                               (line 195)
* hash-get-handle                       Hash Table Reference.
                                                               (line 154)
* hash-ref                              Hash Table Reference.
                                                               (line  37)
* hash-remove!                          Hash Table Reference.
                                                               (line  69)
* hash-set!                             Hash Table Reference.
                                                               (line  54)
* hashq                                 Hash Table Reference.
                                                               (line  89)
* hashq-create-handle!                  Hash Table Reference.
                                                               (line 168)
* hashq-get-handle                      Hash Table Reference.
                                                               (line 142)
* hashq-ref                             Hash Table Reference.
                                                               (line  23)
* hashq-remove!                         Hash Table Reference.
                                                               (line  59)
* hashq-set!                            Hash Table Reference.
                                                               (line  44)
* hashv                                 Hash Table Reference.
                                                               (line 101)
* hashv-create-handle!                  Hash Table Reference.
                                                               (line 174)
* hashv-get-handle                      Hash Table Reference.
                                                               (line 148)
* hashv-ref                             Hash Table Reference.
                                                               (line  30)
* hashv-remove!                         Hash Table Reference.
                                                               (line  64)
* hashv-set!                            Hash Table Reference.
                                                               (line  49)
* hashx-create-handle!                  Hash Table Reference.
                                                               (line 186)
* hashx-get-handle                      Hash Table Reference.
                                                               (line 160)
* hashx-ref                             Hash Table Reference.
                                                               (line 120)
* hashx-set!                            Hash Table Reference.
                                                               (line 131)
* hook->list                            Hook Reference.      (line  59)
* hook-empty?                           Hook Reference.      (line  39)
* hook?                                 Hook Reference.      (line  35)
* hostentaddr-list:                     Network Databases.   (line  34)
* hostentaddrtype:                      Network Databases.   (line  27)
* hostentaliases:                       Network Databases.   (line  24)
* hostentlength:                        Network Databases.   (line  31)
* hostentname:                          Network Databases.   (line  21)
* htonl                                 Network Sockets and Communication.
                                                               (line 278)
* htons                                 Network Sockets and Communication.
                                                               (line 266)
* if                                    if cond case.        (line  12)
* imag-part                             Complex.             (line  19)
* inet-aton                             Network Address Conversion.
                                                               (line  13)
* inet-lnaof                            Network Address Conversion.
                                                               (line  34)
* inet-makeaddr                         Network Address Conversion.
                                                               (line  41)
* inet-netof                            Network Address Conversion.
                                                               (line  27)
* inet-ntoa                             Network Address Conversion.
                                                               (line  20)
* inet-ntop                             Network Address Conversion.
                                                               (line  51)
* inet-pton                             Network Address Conversion.
                                                               (line  62)
* inexact->exact                        Exactness.           (line  23)
* inexact?                              Exactness.           (line  19)
* input-port?                           Ports.               (line  21)
* integer->char                         Characters.          (line 118)
* integer-expt                          Bitwise Operations.  (line  96)
* integer-length                        Bitwise Operations.  (line  85)
* integer?                              Integers.            (line  41)
* interaction-environment               Fly Evaluation.      (line  16)
* intern-symbol                         Obarray Symbols.     (line  32)
* iota                                  SRFI-1 Constructors. (line  23)
* isatty?                               Terminals and Ptys.  (line   7)
* join-thread                           Low level thread primitives.
                                                               (line  21)
* key                                   Evaluator trap options.
                                                               (line  19)
* keyword->symbol                       Keyword Procedures.  (line  13)
* keyword-dash-symbol                   Keyword Primitives.  (line  28)
* keyword?                              Keyword Primitives.  (line  24)
* kill                                  Signals.             (line   9)
* lambda                                Lambda.              (line  34)
* lambda*                               lambda* Reference.   (line  25)
* last                                  SRFI-1 Selectors.    (line  50)
* last-pair                             List Selection.      (line  14)
* last-stack-frame                      Capturing the Stack or Innermost Stack Frame.
                                                               (line  43)
* lazy-catch                            Lazy Catch.          (line  13)
* lchown                                File System.         (line 114)
* lcm                                   Integer Operations.  (line  32)
* length                                List Selection.      (line  10)
* length+                               SRFI-1 Length Append etc.
                                                               (line   7)
* let <1>                               while do.            (line  38)
* let                                   Local Bindings.      (line  23)
* let*                                  Local Bindings.      (line  49)
* let-keywords                          let-keywords Reference.
                                                               (line  16)
* let-optional                          let-optional Reference.
                                                               (line  13)
* let-optional*                         let-optional Reference.
                                                               (line  14)
* letrec                                Local Bindings.      (line  64)
* link                                  File System.         (line 161)
* list                                  List Constructors.   (line  12)
* list->char-set                        SRFI-14 Creating Character Sets.
                                                               (line  16)
* list->char-set!                       SRFI-14 Creating Character Sets.
                                                               (line  17)
* list->string                          String Constructors. (line  11)
* list->TAGvector                       SRFI-4 - Procedures. (line  44)
* list->uniform-array                   Uniform Arrays.      (line  64)
* list->uniform-vector                  Uniform Arrays.      (line  65)
* list->vector                          Vector Creation.     (line  14)
* list->weak-vector                     Weak vectors.        (line  17)
* list-cdr-ref                          List Selection.      (line  24)
* list-cdr-set!                         List Modification.   (line  14)
* list-copy                             List Constructors.   (line  24)
* list-head                             List Selection.      (line  33)
* list-index                            SRFI-1 Searching.    (line  54)
* list-ref                              List Selection.      (line  19)
* list-set!                             List Modification.   (line  10)
* list-tabulate                         SRFI-1 Constructors. (line  13)
* list-tail                             List Selection.      (line  23)
* list=                                 SRFI-1 Predicates.   (line  34)
* list?                                 List Predicates.     (line  12)
* listen                                Network Sockets and Communication.
                                                               (line 139)
* load                                  Loading.             (line   7)
* load-extension                        Extensions.          (line  20)
* load-from-path                        Loading.             (line  14)
* local-eval                            Local Evaluation.    (line   9)
* localtime                             Time.                (line  58)
* lock-mutex                            Low level thread primitives.
                                                               (line  33)
* log                                   Scientific.          (line  38)
* log10                                 Scientific.          (line  41)
* logand                                Bitwise Operations.  (line   7)
* logbit?                               Bitwise Operations.  (line  46)
* logcount                              Bitwise Operations.  (line  71)
* logior                                Bitwise Operations.  (line  14)
* lognot                                Bitwise Operations.  (line  29)
* logtest                               Bitwise Operations.  (line  39)
* logxor                                Bitwise Operations.  (line  21)
* lset-adjoin                           SRFI-1 Set Operations.
                                                               (line  29)
* lset-adjoin!                          SRFI-1 Set Operations.
                                                               (line  30)
* lset-diff+intersection                SRFI-1 Set Operations.
                                                               (line  67)
* lset-diff+intersection!               SRFI-1 Set Operations.
                                                               (line  68)
* lset-difference                       SRFI-1 Set Operations.
                                                               (line  51)
* lset-difference!                      SRFI-1 Set Operations.
                                                               (line  52)
* lset-intersection                     SRFI-1 Set Operations.
                                                               (line  43)
* lset-intersection!                    SRFI-1 Set Operations.
                                                               (line  44)
* lset-union                            SRFI-1 Set Operations.
                                                               (line  36)
* lset-union!                           SRFI-1 Set Operations.
                                                               (line  37)
* lset-xor                              SRFI-1 Set Operations.
                                                               (line  59)
* lset-xor!                             SRFI-1 Set Operations.
                                                               (line  60)
* lset<=                                SRFI-1 Set Operations.
                                                               (line  20)
* lset=                                 SRFI-1 Set Operations.
                                                               (line  25)
* lstat                                 File System.         (line 104)
* macro-name                            Internal Macros.     (line  96)
* macro-transformer                     Internal Macros.     (line 100)
* macro-type                            Internal Macros.     (line  89)
* macro?                                Internal Macros.     (line  84)
* magnitude                             Complex.             (line  22)
* main_prog                             Starting and controlling the interpreter.
                                                               (line  16)
* major-version                         Build Config.        (line  12)
* make-arbiter                          Arbiters.            (line  15)
* make-array                            Conventional Arrays. (line  48)
* make-class-object                     Objects.             (line  20)
* make-condition-variable               Low level thread primitives.
                                                               (line  44)
* make-doubly-weak-hash-table           Weak key hashes.     (line   9)
* make-fluid                            Fluids.              (line  25)
* make-guardian                         Guardians.           (line   7)
* make-hash-table                       Hash Table Reference.
                                                               (line  15)
* make-hook                             Hook Reference.      (line  29)
* make-keyword-from-dash-symbol         Keyword Primitives.  (line  20)
* make-list                             List Constructors.   (line  28)
* make-mutex                            Low level thread primitives.
                                                               (line  30)
* make-object-property                  Object Properties.   (line  43)
* make-polar                            Complex.             (line  12)
* make-procedure-with-setter            Procedures with Setters.
                                                               (line  44)
* make-record-type                      Records.             (line  16)
* make-rectangular                      Complex.             (line   7)
* make-regexp                           Regexp Functions.    (line  42)
* make-shared-array                     Conventional Arrays. (line  72)
* make-shared-substring                 Shared Substrings.   (line  18)
* make-soft-port                        Soft Ports.          (line  10)
* make-stack                            Capturing the Stack or Innermost Stack Frame.
                                                               (line  14)
* make-string                           String Constructors. (line  15)
* make-struct                           Structure Basics.    (line  10)
* make-struct-layout                    Structure Layout.    (line  89)
* make-subclass-object                  Objects.             (line  25)
* make-TAGvector                        SRFI-4 - Procedures. (line  20)
* make-thread                           Higher level thread procedures.
                                                               (line  24)
* make-undefined-variable               Variables.           (line  43)
* make-uniform-array                    Uniform Arrays.      (line  54)
* make-uniform-vector                   Uniform Arrays.      (line  80)
* make-variable                         Variables.           (line  47)
* make-vector                           Vector Creation.     (line  41)
* make-vtable-vtable                    Vtables.             (line  31)
* make-weak-key-hash-table              Weak key hashes.     (line   7)
* make-weak-value-hash-table            Weak key hashes.     (line   8)
* make-weak-vector                      Weak vectors.        (line  10)
* malloc-stats                          Garbage Collection.  (line  26)
* map <1>                               SRFI-1 Fold and Map. (line  87)
* map                                   List Mapping.        (line  14)
* map!                                  SRFI-1 Fold and Map. (line 122)
* map-in-order                          List Mapping.        (line  15)
* mask-signals                          Asyncs.              (line  54)
* matchcount:                           Match Structures.    (line  74)
* matchend:                             Match Structures.    (line  50)
* matchprefix:                          Match Structures.    (line  60)
* matchstart:                           Match Structures.    (line  40)
* matchstring:                          Match Structures.    (line  79)
* matchsubstring:                       Match Structures.    (line  25)
* matchsuffix:                          Match Structures.    (line  67)
* max                                   Arithmetic.          (line  31)
* member <1>                            SRFI-1 Searching.    (line  57)
* member                                List Searching.      (line  27)
* memoized-environment                  Decoding Memoized Source Expressions.
                                                               (line  15)
* memoized?                             Decoding Memoized Source Expressions.
                                                               (line   7)
* memq                                  List Searching.      (line  13)
* memv                                  List Searching.      (line  20)
* merge                                 Sorting.             (line  16)
* merge!                                Sorting.             (line  24)
* micro-version                         Build Config.        (line  14)
* min                                   Arithmetic.          (line  34)
* minor-version                         Build Config.        (line  13)
* mkdir                                 File System.         (line 172)
* mknod                                 File System.         (line 223)
* mkstemp!                              File System.         (line 246)
* mktime                                Time.                (line  72)
* modulo                                Integer Operations.  (line  23)
* monitor                               Higher level thread procedures.
                                                               (line  38)
* move->fdes                            Ports and File Descriptors.
                                                               (line 107)
* negative?                             Comparison.          (line  30)
* netentaddrtype:                       Network Databases.   (line  97)
* netentaliases:                        Network Databases.   (line  94)
* netentname:                           Network Databases.   (line  91)
* netentnet:                            Network Databases.   (line 101)
* newline                               Writing.             (line  22)
* nice                                  Processes.           (line 233)
* nil-car                               Emacs Lisp Support.  (line   7)
* nil-cdr                               Emacs Lisp Support.  (line  12)
* nil-cons                              Emacs Lisp Support.  (line  17)
* nil-eq                                Emacs Lisp Support.  (line  22)
* ninth                                 SRFI-1 Selectors.    (line  15)
* noop                                  Asyncs.              (line  62)
* not                                   Booleans.            (line  59)
* not-pair?                             SRFI-1 Predicates.   (line  28)
* ntohl                                 Network Sockets and Communication.
                                                               (line 284)
* ntohs                                 Network Sockets and Communication.
                                                               (line 272)
* null                                  Emacs Lisp Support.  (line  26)
* null-environment                      Environments.        (line  22)
* null-list?                            SRFI-1 Predicates.   (line  21)
* null?                                 List Predicates.     (line  21)
* number->string                        Conversion.          (line   7)
* number?                               Numerical Tower.     (line  34)
* object->string                        General Conversion.  (line  19)
* object-address                        Garbage Collection.  (line  18)
* object-properties                     Old-fashioned Properties.
                                                               (line  17)
* object-property                       Old-fashioned Properties.
                                                               (line  25)
* odd?                                  Integer Operations.  (line   7)
* open                                  Ports and File Descriptors.
                                                               (line 124)
* open-fdes                             Ports and File Descriptors.
                                                               (line 153)
* open-file                             File Ports.          (line  11)
* open-input-file                       File Ports.          (line  52)
* open-input-pipe                       Pipes.               (line  18)
* open-input-string                     String Ports.        (line  33)
* open-output-file                      File Ports.          (line  56)
* open-output-pipe                      Pipes.               (line  27)
* open-output-string                    String Ports.        (line  40)
* open-pipe                             Pipes.               (line  12)
* opendir                               File System.         (line 184)
* operator?                             Objects.             (line  11)
* option-ref                            option-ref Reference.
                                                               (line   7)
* or                                    and or.              (line  20)
* output-port?                          Ports.               (line  26)
* pair-fold                             SRFI-1 Fold and Map. (line  21)
* pair-fold-right                       SRFI-1 Fold and Map. (line  25)
* pair-for-each                         SRFI-1 Fold and Map. (line 131)
* pair?                                 Pairs.               (line  52)
* parse-path                            Build Config.        (line  62)
* partition                             SRFI-1 Filtering and Partitioning.
                                                               (line  21)
* partition!                            SRFI-1 Filtering and Partitioning.
                                                               (line  22)
* pause                                 Signals.             (line  88)
* pclose                                Pipes.               (line  29)
* peek-char                             Reading.             (line  26)
* pipe                                  Ports and File Descriptors.
                                                               (line 186)
* popen                                 Pipes.               (line  11)
* port->fdes                            Ports and File Descriptors.
                                                               (line  72)
* port-closed?                          Closing.             (line  33)
* port-column                           Reading.             (line  61)
* port-filename                         File Ports.          (line 124)
* port-for-each                         Ports and File Descriptors.
                                                               (line 272)
* port-line                             Reading.             (line  62)
* port-mode <1>                         Ports and File Descriptors.
                                                               (line 266)
* port-mode                             File Ports.          (line 117)
* port-revealed                         Ports and File Descriptors.
                                                               (line  58)
* port-with-print-state                 Writing.             (line  27)
* port?                                 Ports.               (line  31)
* positive?                             Comparison.          (line  27)
* pretty-print                          Pretty Printing.     (line  28)
* primitive-eval                        Fly Evaluation.      (line  45)
* primitive-exit                        Processes.           (line 183)
* primitive-fork                        Processes.           (line 224)
* primitive-load                        Loading.             (line  17)
* primitive-load-path                   Loading.             (line  27)
* primitive-make-property               Property Primitives. (line   7)
* primitive-move->fdes                  Ports and File Descriptors.
                                                               (line  98)
* primitive-property-del!               Property Primitives. (line  25)
* primitive-property-ref                Property Primitives. (line  13)
* primitive-property-set!               Property Primitives. (line  21)
* print-disable                         User level options interfaces.
                                                               (line  38)
* print-enable                          User level options interfaces.
                                                               (line  29)
* print-options                         User level options interfaces.
                                                               (line   9)
* print-options-interface <1>           Low level options interfaces.
                                                               (line   9)
* print-options-interface               Writing.             (line  32)
* print-set!                            User level options interfaces.
                                                               (line  47)
* procedure                             Procedures with Setters.
                                                               (line  54)
* procedure->macro                      Internal Macros.     (line  57)
* procedure->memoizing-macro            Internal Macros.     (line  72)
* procedure->syntax                     Internal Macros.     (line  51)
* procedure-documentation               Procedure Properties.
                                                               (line  68)
* procedure-environment                 Procedure Properties.
                                                               (line  45)
* procedure-name                        Procedure Properties.
                                                               (line  37)
* procedure-properties                  Procedure Properties.
                                                               (line  49)
* procedure-property                    Procedure Properties.
                                                               (line  53)
* procedure-source                      Procedure Properties.
                                                               (line  41)
* procedure-with-setter?                Procedures with Setters.
                                                               (line  49)
* procedure?                            Procedure Properties.
                                                               (line  21)
* program-arguments <1>                 Runtime Environment. (line   7)
* program-arguments                     The Top of a Script File.
                                                               (line  71)
* promise?                              Delayed Evaluation.  (line   9)
* proper-list?                          SRFI-1 Predicates.   (line   9)
* protoentaliases:                      Network Databases.   (line 148)
* protoentname:                         Network Databases.   (line 145)
* protoentproto:                        Network Databases.   (line 151)
* provide                               Feature Manipulation.
                                                               (line  17)
* provided?                             Feature Manipulation.
                                                               (line  10)
* PTR2SCM                               Non-immediate objects.
                                                               (line  17)
* putenv                                Runtime Environment. (line  41)
* pwd                                   Processes.           (line  11)
* quit                                  Dynamic Roots.       (line  75)
* quotient                              Integer Operations.  (line  15)
* raise                                 Signals.             (line  38)
* random                                Random.              (line  11)
* randomexp:                            Random.              (line  25)
* randomhollow-sphere!:                 Random.              (line  31)
* randomnormal:                         Random.              (line  38)
* randomnormal-vector!:                 Random.              (line  45)
* randomsolid-sphere!:                  Random.              (line  51)
* randomuniform:                        Random.              (line  59)
* rational?                             Reals and Rationals. (line  52)
* read                                  Scheme Read.         (line   7)
* read-and-eval!                        Strange Eval.        (line  30)
* read-char                             Reading.             (line  20)
* read-delimited                        Line/Delimited.      (line  46)
* read-delimited!                       Line/Delimited.      (line  53)
* read-disable <1>                      User level options interfaces.
                                                               (line  37)
* read-disable                          Scheme Read.         (line  29)
* read-enable <1>                       User level options interfaces.
                                                               (line  28)
* read-enable                           Scheme Read.         (line  28)
* read-hash-extend                      Reader Extensions.   (line   7)
* read-line                             Line/Delimited.      (line  16)
* read-line!                            Line/Delimited.      (line  40)
* read-only-string?                     Read Only Strings.   (line  30)
* read-options <1>                      User level options interfaces.
                                                               (line   8)
* read-options                          Scheme Read.         (line  18)
* read-options-interface <1>            Low level options interfaces.
                                                               (line   7)
* read-options-interface                Scheme Read.         (line  35)
* read-set! <1>                         User level options interfaces.
                                                               (line  46)
* read-set!                             Scheme Read.         (line  30)
* read-string!/partial                  Block Reading and Writing.
                                                               (line  15)
* readdir                               File System.         (line 193)
* readlink                              File System.         (line 110)
* real-part                             Complex.             (line  16)
* real?                                 Reals and Rationals. (line  45)
* receive                               Multiple Values.     (line  48)
* record-accessor                       Records.             (line  45)
* record-constructor                    Records.             (line  26)
* record-modifier                       Records.             (line  54)
* record-predicate                      Records.             (line  39)
* record-type-descriptor                Records.             (line  65)
* record-type-fields                    Records.             (line  80)
* record-type-name                      Records.             (line  74)
* record?                               Records.             (line  10)
* recv!                                 Network Sockets and Communication.
                                                               (line 192)
* recvfrom!                             Network Sockets and Communication.
                                                               (line 221)
* redirect-port                         Ports and File Descriptors.
                                                               (line 242)
* reduce                                SRFI-1 Fold and Map. (line  29)
* reduce-right                          SRFI-1 Fold and Map. (line  33)
* regcomp                               Rx Regexps.          (line  30)
* regexec                               Rx Regexps.          (line  49)
* regexp->dfa                           Rx Regexps.          (line 105)
* regexp-exec                           Regexp Functions.    (line  82)
* regexp-match?                         Match Structures.    (line  21)
* regexp-quote                          Backslash Escapes.   (line  31)
* regexp-substitute                     Regexp Functions.    (line 124)
* regexp-substitute/global              Regexp Functions.    (line 156)
* regexp?                               Regexp Functions.    (line 116)
* release-arbiter                       Arbiters.            (line  26)
* release-port-handle                   Ports and File Descriptors.
                                                               (line 114)
* remainder                             Integer Operations.  (line  18)
* remove                                SRFI-1 Filtering and Partitioning.
                                                               (line  32)
* remove!                               SRFI-1 Filtering and Partitioning.
                                                               (line  33)
* remove-hook!                          Hook Reference.      (line  49)
* rename                                File System.         (line 155)
* rename-file                           File System.         (line 156)
* reset-dfa!                            Rx Regexps.          (line 109)
* reset-hook!                           Hook Reference.      (line  54)
* restore-signals                       Signals.             (line  72)
* restricted-vector-sort!               Sorting.             (line  87)
* reverse                               Append/Reverse.      (line  35)
* reverse!                              Append/Reverse.      (line  40)
* reverse-list->string                  SRFI-13 List/String Conversion.
                                                               (line  15)
* rewinddir                             File System.         (line 199)
* rmdir                                 File System.         (line 179)
* round                                 Arithmetic.          (line  40)
* run-asyncs                            Asyncs.              (line  43)
* run-hook                              Hook Reference.      (line  63)
* scheme-report-environment             Environments.        (line  21)
* scm-error <1>                         Handling Errors.     (line  35)
* scm-error                             Error Reporting.     (line  15)
* SCM2PTR                               Non-immediate objects.
                                                               (line  13)
* scm_abs                               Arithmetic.          (line  25)
* scm_accept                            Network Sockets and Communication.
                                                               (line 149)
* scm_access                            File System.         (line  14)
* scm_acons                             Adding or Setting Alist Entries.
                                                               (line  95)
* scm_acosh                             Primitive Numerics.  (line  78)
* scm_add_feature                       Feature Manipulation.
                                                               (line  24)
* scm_add_hook_x                        Hook Reference.      (line  44)
* scm_alarm                             Signals.             (line  78)
* scm_append                            Append/Reverse.      (line  15)
* scm_append_x                          Append/Reverse.      (line  29)
* SCM_ARG1                              Signalling Type Errors.
                                                               (line  18)
* SCM_ARG2                              Signalling Type Errors.
                                                               (line  19)
* SCM_ARG3                              Signalling Type Errors.
                                                               (line  20)
* SCM_ARG4                              Signalling Type Errors.
                                                               (line  21)
* SCM_ARG5                              Signalling Type Errors.
                                                               (line  22)
* SCM_ARG6                              Signalling Type Errors.
                                                               (line  23)
* SCM_ARG7                              Signalling Type Errors.
                                                               (line  24)
* SCM_ARGn                              Signalling Type Errors.
                                                               (line  33)
* scm_array_contents                    Conventional Arrays. (line 181)
* scm_array_copy_x                      Conventional Arrays. (line 162)
* scm_array_dimensions                  Conventional Arrays. (line 146)
* scm_array_fill_x                      Conventional Arrays. (line 169)
* scm_array_for_each                    Array Mapping.       (line  18)
* scm_array_in_bounds_p                 Conventional Arrays. (line  63)
* scm_array_index_map_x                 Array Mapping.       (line  23)
* scm_array_map_x                       Array Mapping.       (line   9)
* scm_array_p                           Conventional Arrays. (line  43)
* scm_array_prototype                   Uniform Arrays.      (line  60)
* scm_array_rank                        Conventional Arrays. (line 152)
* scm_array_set_x                       Conventional Arrays. (line  68)
* scm_array_to_list                     Conventional Arrays. (line 157)
* scm_ash                               Bitwise Operations.  (line  57)
* scm_asinh                             Primitive Numerics.  (line  77)
* SCM_ASSERT                            Signalling Type Errors.
                                                               (line  13)
* scm_assoc                             Retrieving Alist Entries.
                                                               (line  18)
* scm_assoc_ref                         Retrieving Alist Entries.
                                                               (line  44)
* scm_assoc_remove_x                    Removing Alist Entries.
                                                               (line  62)
* scm_assoc_set_x                       Adding or Setting Alist Entries.
                                                               (line 106)
* scm_assq                              Retrieving Alist Entries.
                                                               (line  16)
* scm_assq_ref                          Retrieving Alist Entries.
                                                               (line  42)
* scm_assq_remove_x                     Removing Alist Entries.
                                                               (line  60)
* scm_assq_set_x                        Adding or Setting Alist Entries.
                                                               (line 104)
* scm_assv                              Retrieving Alist Entries.
                                                               (line  17)
* scm_assv_ref                          Retrieving Alist Entries.
                                                               (line  43)
* scm_assv_remove_x                     Removing Alist Entries.
                                                               (line  61)
* scm_assv_set_x                        Adding or Setting Alist Entries.
                                                               (line 105)
* scm_async                             Asyncs.              (line  23)
* scm_async_mark                        Asyncs.              (line  32)
* scm_atanh                             Primitive Numerics.  (line  79)
* scm_backtrace                         Backtrace.           (line   8)
* scm_basename                          File System.         (line 260)
* scm_bind                              Network Sockets and Communication.
                                                               (line 104)
* scm_bit_count                         Bit Vectors.         (line  20)
* scm_bit_count_star                    Bit Vectors.         (line  45)
* scm_bit_extract                       Bitwise Operations.  (line 106)
* scm_bit_invert_x                      Bit Vectors.         (line  30)
* scm_bit_position                      Bit Vectors.         (line  24)
* scm_bit_set_star_x                    Bit Vectors.         (line  34)
* SCM_BOOL_F                            Boolean Data.        (line  10)
* SCM_BOOL_NOT                          Boolean Data.        (line  18)
* SCM_BOOL_T                            Boolean Data.        (line   9)
* scm_boolean_p                         Booleans.            (line  67)
* scm_boot_guile                        Guile Initialization Functions.
                                                               (line  22)
* scm_builtin_bindings                  Obarray Symbols.     (line  85)
* scm_c_call_with_current_module        Accessing Modules from C.
                                                               (line  21)
* scm_c_define <1>                      Accessing Modules from C.
                                                               (line  39)
* scm_c_define                          Top Level.           (line  44)
* scm_c_define_gsubr                    Subrs.               (line  24)
* scm_c_define_module                   Accessing Modules from C.
                                                               (line  59)
* scm_c_export                          Accessing Modules from C.
                                                               (line  85)
* scm_c_hook_add                        C Hooks.             (line  74)
* scm_c_hook_init                       C Hooks.             (line  46)
* scm_c_hook_remove                     C Hooks.             (line  80)
* scm_c_load_extension                  Extensions.          (line  22)
* scm_c_lookup                          Accessing Modules from C.
                                                               (line  26)
* scm_c_module_define                   Accessing Modules from C.
                                                               (line  48)
* scm_c_module_lookup                   Accessing Modules from C.
                                                               (line  34)
* scm_c_register_extension              Extensions.          (line  41)
* scm_c_resolve_module                  Accessing Modules from C.
                                                               (line  70)
* scm_c_run_hook                        Hook Reference.      (line  73)
* scm_c_use_module                      Accessing Modules from C.
                                                               (line  80)
* SCM_CAAR                              Pair Data.           (line  70)
* SCM_CADR                              Pair Data.           (line  71)
* scm_call_with_dynamic_root            Dynamic Roots.       (line  25)
* scm_call_with_input_string            String Ports.        (line  18)
* scm_call_with_output_string           String Ports.        (line  11)
* SCM_CAR                               Pair Data.           (line  58)
* scm_catch                             Catch.               (line  46)
* SCM_CDAR                              Pair Data.           (line  72)
* SCM_CDDDDR                            Pair Data.           (line  73)
* SCM_CDR                               Pair Data.           (line  61)
* SCM_CELL_OBJECT                       Accessing Cell Entries.
                                                               (line  26)
* SCM_CELL_TYPE                         Heap Cell Type Information.
                                                               (line  13)
* SCM_CELL_WORD                         Accessing Cell Entries.
                                                               (line  13)
* SCM_CHAR                              Character Data.      (line  12)
* scm_char_alphabetic_p                 Characters.          (line  83)
* scm_char_downcase                     Characters.          (line 127)
* scm_char_is_both_p                    Characters.          (line 108)
* scm_char_lower_case_p                 Characters.          (line 103)
* scm_char_numeric_p                    Characters.          (line  88)
* scm_char_p                            Characters.          (line  41)
* scm_char_ready_p                      Reading.             (line  14)
* scm_char_to_integer                   Characters.          (line 114)
* scm_char_upcase                       Characters.          (line 123)
* scm_char_upper_case_p                 Characters.          (line  98)
* scm_char_whitespace_p                 Characters.          (line  93)
* SCM_CHARP                             Character Data.      (line   9)
* scm_chdir                             Processes.           (line   8)
* scm_chmod                             File System.         (line 129)
* scm_chown                             File System.         (line 116)
* scm_chroot                            Processes.           (line  25)
* scm_close                             Ports and File Descriptors.
                                                               (line 158)
* scm_close_all_ports_except            Close All Ports.     (line   8)
* scm_close_fdes                        Ports and File Descriptors.
                                                               (line 166)
* scm_close_input_port                  Closing.             (line  16)
* scm_close_output_port                 Closing.             (line  25)
* scm_close_port                        Closing.             (line   8)
* scm_closedir                          File System.         (line 205)
* scm_closure_p                         Procedure Properties.
                                                               (line  26)
* SCM_CLOSUREP                          Closures.            (line  19)
* SCM_CODE                              Closures.            (line  30)
* scm_connect                           Network Sockets and Communication.
                                                               (line  84)
* scm_cons <1>                          Pairs.               (line  47)
* scm_cons                              Pair Data.           (line  47)
* scm_cons_source                       Internal Macros.     (line 105)
* scm_cons_star                         List Constructors.   (line  17)
* SCM_CONSP <1>                         Basic Rules for Accessing Cell Entries.
                                                               (line  16)
* SCM_CONSP                             Pair Data.           (line  22)
* scm_copy_file                         File System.         (line 152)
* scm_copy_random_state                 Random.              (line   8)
* scm_copy_tree                         Copying.             (line  14)
* scm_crypt                             Encryption.          (line  14)
* scm_ctermid                           Terminals and Ptys.  (line  18)
* scm_current_error_port                Default Ports.       (line  20)
* scm_current_input_port                Default Ports.       (line   8)
* scm_current_load_port                 Loading.             (line  56)
* scm_current_module                    Accessing Modules from C.
                                                               (line  13)
* scm_current_output_port               Default Ports.       (line  14)
* scm_current_time                      Time.                (line   8)
* scm_cuserid                           User Information.    (line 116)
* scm_debug_object_p                    Using Traps.         (line  12)
* scm_debug_options                     Low level options interfaces.
                                                               (line  15)
* scm_define <1>                        Accessing Modules from C.
                                                               (line  44)
* scm_define                            Top Level.           (line  43)
* scm_definedp                          Binding Reflection.  (line  11)
* scm_delete                            List Modification.   (line  31)
* scm_delete1_x                         List Modification.   (line  62)
* scm_delete_file                       File System.         (line 148)
* scm_delete_x                          List Modification.   (line  41)
* scm_delq                              List Modification.   (line  19)
* scm_delq1_x                           List Modification.   (line  50)
* scm_delq_x                            List Modification.   (line  39)
* scm_delv                              List Modification.   (line  25)
* scm_delv1_x                           List Modification.   (line  56)
* scm_delv_x                            List Modification.   (line  40)
* scm_destroy_guardian_x                Guardians.           (line  35)
* scm_dimensions_to_uniform_array       Uniform Arrays.      (line  81)
* scm_directory_stream_p                File System.         (line 189)
* scm_dirname                           File System.         (line 255)
* scm_display_application               Examining Stack Frames.
                                                               (line  55)
* scm_display_backtrace                 Examining the Stack. (line  24)
* scm_display_error                     Handling Errors.     (line  44)
* scm_doubly_weak_hash_table_p          Weak key hashes.     (line  24)
* scm_drain_input                       Reading.             (line  47)
* scm_dup2                              Ports and File Descriptors.
                                                               (line 258)
* scm_dup_to_fdes                       Ports and File Descriptors.
                                                               (line 211)
* scm_dynamic_args_call                 Low level dynamic linking.
                                                               (line  58)
* scm_dynamic_call                      Low level dynamic linking.
                                                               (line  46)
* scm_dynamic_func                      Low level dynamic linking.
                                                               (line  35)
* scm_dynamic_link                      Low level dynamic linking.
                                                               (line  12)
* scm_dynamic_object_p                  Low level dynamic linking.
                                                               (line  24)
* scm_dynamic_root                      Dynamic Roots.       (line  68)
* scm_dynamic_unlink                    Low level dynamic linking.
                                                               (line  28)
* scm_dynamic_wind                      Dynamic Wind.        (line  11)
* scm_effective_version                 Build Config.        (line  16)
* scm_enclose_array                     Conventional Arrays. (line 120)
* scm_entity_p                          Objects.             (line   8)
* SCM_ENV                               Closures.            (line  38)
* scm_environ                           Runtime Environment. (line  32)
* scm_eof_object_p                      Reading.             (line  10)
* SCM_EOF_VAL                           Unique Values.       (line  15)
* SCM_EOL                               Unique Values.       (line  11)
* scm_error_scm                         Error Reporting.     (line  16)
* scm_eval                              Fly Evaluation.      (line  10)
* scm_eval2                             Strange Eval.        (line  15)
* scm_eval_options_interface <1>        Low level options interfaces.
                                                               (line  13)
* scm_eval_options_interface            Evaluator Behaviour. (line  31)
* scm_eval_string                       Fly Evaluation.      (line  25)
* scm_evaluator_traps <1>               Low level options interfaces.
                                                               (line  16)
* scm_evaluator_traps                   Evaluator Behaviour. (line  55)
* scm_even_p                            Integer Operations.  (line  12)
* scm_exact_p                           Exactness.           (line  16)
* scm_execl                             Processes.           (line 190)
* scm_execle                            Processes.           (line 215)
* scm_execlp                            Processes.           (line 205)
* scm_fcntl                             Ports and File Descriptors.
                                                               (line 295)
* scm_fdes_to_ports                     Ports and File Descriptors.
                                                               (line  84)
* scm_fdopen                            Ports and File Descriptors.
                                                               (line  77)
* scm_file_port_p                       File Ports.          (line 139)
* scm_fileno                            Ports and File Descriptors.
                                                               (line  68)
* scm_flock                             Ports and File Descriptors.
                                                               (line 329)
* scm_fluid_p                           Fluids.              (line  36)
* scm_fluid_ref                         Fluids.              (line  43)
* scm_fluid_set_x                       Fluids.              (line  48)
* scm_flush_all_ports                   Writing.             (line  63)
* scm_force                             Delayed Evaluation.  (line  15)
* scm_force_output                      Writing.             (line  53)
* scm_fork                              Processes.           (line 225)
* scm_frame_arguments                   Examining Stack Frames.
                                                               (line  39)
* scm_frame_evaluating_args_p           Examining Stack Frames.
                                                               (line  43)
* scm_frame_next                        Examining Stack Frames.
                                                               (line  21)
* scm_frame_number                      Examining Stack Frames.
                                                               (line  12)
* scm_frame_overflow_p                  Examining Stack Frames.
                                                               (line  47)
* scm_frame_p                           Examining Stack Frames.
                                                               (line   8)
* scm_frame_previous                    Examining Stack Frames.
                                                               (line  16)
* scm_frame_procedure                   Examining Stack Frames.
                                                               (line  34)
* scm_frame_procedure_p                 Examining Stack Frames.
                                                               (line  30)
* scm_frame_real_p                      Examining Stack Frames.
                                                               (line  51)
* scm_frame_source                      Examining Stack Frames.
                                                               (line  26)
* scm_free0                             Garbage Collecting Simple Smobs.
                                                               (line  26)
* scm_fsync                             Ports and File Descriptors.
                                                               (line 118)
* scm_ftell                             Random Access.       (line  30)
* scm_gc                                Garbage Collection.  (line   8)
* scm_gc_mark                           Garbage Collecting Smobs.
                                                               (line  41)
* scm_gc_stats                          Garbage Collection.  (line  14)
* scm_gensym                            Symbol Primitives.   (line 100)
* scm_gentemp                           Obarray Symbols.     (line  24)
* scm_get_internal_real_time            Time.                (line 144)
* scm_get_internal_run_time             Time.                (line 148)
* scm_get_output_string                 String Ports.        (line  48)
* scm_get_print_state                   Writing.             (line  10)
* scm_getcwd                            Processes.           (line  13)
* scm_getegid                           Processes.           (line  61)
* scm_getenv                            Runtime Environment. (line  16)
* scm_geteuid                           Processes.           (line  54)
* scm_getgid                            Processes.           (line  50)
* scm_getgrgid                          User Information.    (line 107)
* scm_getgroups                         Processes.           (line  36)
* scm_gethost                           Network Databases.   (line  42)
* scm_gethostname                       System Identification.
                                                               (line  35)
* scm_getitimer                         Signals.             (line 126)
* scm_getlogin                          User Information.    (line 122)
* scm_getnet                            Network Databases.   (line 109)
* scm_getpass                           Encryption.          (line  22)
* scm_getpeername                       Network Sockets and Communication.
                                                               (line 187)
* scm_getpgrp                           Processes.           (line  94)
* scm_getpid                            Processes.           (line  32)
* scm_getppid                           Processes.           (line  41)
* scm_getpriority                       Processes.           (line 254)
* scm_getproto                          Network Databases.   (line 159)
* scm_getpwuid                          User Information.    (line  61)
* scm_getserv                           Network Databases.   (line 212)
* scm_getsockname                       Network Sockets and Communication.
                                                               (line 181)
* scm_getsockopt                        Network Sockets and Communication.
                                                               (line  41)
* scm_gettimeofday                      Time.                (line  13)
* scm_getuid                            Processes.           (line  46)
* scm_gmtime                            Time.                (line  67)
* scm_guardian_destroyed_p              Guardians.           (line  45)
* scm_guardian_greedy_p                 Guardians.           (line  41)
* scm_hash                              Hash Table Reference.
                                                               (line 114)
* scm_hash_create_handle_x              Hash Table Reference.
                                                               (line 181)
* scm_hash_fold                         Hash Table Reference.
                                                               (line 196)
* scm_hash_get_handle                   Hash Table Reference.
                                                               (line 155)
* scm_hash_ref                          Hash Table Reference.
                                                               (line  38)
* scm_hash_remove_x                     Hash Table Reference.
                                                               (line  70)
* scm_hash_set_x                        Hash Table Reference.
                                                               (line  55)
* scm_hashq                             Hash Table Reference.
                                                               (line  90)
* scm_hashq_create_handle_x             Hash Table Reference.
                                                               (line 169)
* scm_hashq_get_handle                  Hash Table Reference.
                                                               (line 143)
* scm_hashq_ref                         Hash Table Reference.
                                                               (line  24)
* scm_hashq_remove_x                    Hash Table Reference.
                                                               (line  60)
* scm_hashq_set_x                       Hash Table Reference.
                                                               (line  45)
* scm_hashv                             Hash Table Reference.
                                                               (line 102)
* scm_hashv_create_handle_x             Hash Table Reference.
                                                               (line 175)
* scm_hashv_get_handle                  Hash Table Reference.
                                                               (line 149)
* scm_hashv_ref                         Hash Table Reference.
                                                               (line  31)
* scm_hashv_remove_x                    Hash Table Reference.
                                                               (line  65)
* scm_hashv_set_x                       Hash Table Reference.
                                                               (line  50)
* scm_hashx_create_handle_x             Hash Table Reference.
                                                               (line 188)
* scm_hashx_get_handle                  Hash Table Reference.
                                                               (line 161)
* scm_hashx_ref                         Hash Table Reference.
                                                               (line 121)
* scm_hashx_set_x                       Hash Table Reference.
                                                               (line 132)
* scm_hook_empty_p                      Hook Reference.      (line  40)
* scm_hook_p                            Hook Reference.      (line  36)
* scm_hook_to_list                      Hook Reference.      (line  60)
* SCM_HOOKP                             Hook Reference.      (line  80)
* scm_htonl                             Network Sockets and Communication.
                                                               (line 279)
* scm_htons                             Network Sockets and Communication.
                                                               (line 267)
* SCM_IMP <1>                           Immediate objects.   (line  14)
* SCM_IMP                               Immediates vs Non-immediates.
                                                               (line  18)
* scm_inet_aton                         Network Address Conversion.
                                                               (line  14)
* scm_inet_makeaddr                     Network Address Conversion.
                                                               (line  42)
* scm_inet_netof                        Network Address Conversion.
                                                               (line  28)
* scm_inet_ntoa                         Network Address Conversion.
                                                               (line  21)
* scm_inet_ntop                         Network Address Conversion.
                                                               (line  52)
* scm_inet_pton                         Network Address Conversion.
                                                               (line  63)
* scm_inexact_p                         Exactness.           (line  20)
* scm_inexact_to_exact                  Exactness.           (line  24)
* scm_init_guile                        Guile Initialization Functions.
                                                               (line  52)
* scm_input_port_p                      Ports.               (line  22)
* scm_integer_expt                      Bitwise Operations.  (line  97)
* scm_integer_length                    Bitwise Operations.  (line  86)
* scm_integer_p                         Integers.            (line  42)
* scm_integer_to_char                   Characters.          (line 119)
* scm_interaction_environment           Fly Evaluation.      (line  17)
* scm_intern_symbol                     Obarray Symbols.     (line  33)
* SCM_INUM                              Integer Data.        (line  23)
* SCM_INUMP                             Integer Data.        (line  17)
* scm_isatty_p                          Terminals and Ptys.  (line   8)
* scm_keyword_dash_symbol               Keyword Primitives.  (line  29)
* scm_keyword_p                         Keyword Primitives.  (line  25)
* scm_kill                              Signals.             (line  10)
* scm_last_pair                         List Selection.      (line  15)
* scm_last_stack_frame                  Capturing the Stack or Innermost Stack Frame.
                                                               (line  44)
* scm_lazy_catch                        Lazy Catch.          (line  14)
* scm_length                            List Selection.      (line  11)
* scm_link                              File System.         (line 162)
* scm_list                              List Constructors.   (line  13)
* scm_list_cdr_set_x                    List Modification.   (line  15)
* scm_list_copy                         List Constructors.   (line  25)
* scm_list_head                         List Selection.      (line  34)
* scm_list_p                            List Predicates.     (line  13)
* scm_list_ref                          List Selection.      (line  20)
* scm_list_set_x                        List Modification.   (line  11)
* scm_list_tail                         List Selection.      (line  25)
* scm_list_to_uniform_array             Uniform Arrays.      (line  66)
* scm_listen                            Network Sockets and Communication.
                                                               (line 140)
* scm_lnaof                             Network Address Conversion.
                                                               (line  35)
* scm_load_extension                    Extensions.          (line  21)
* scm_local_eval                        Local Evaluation.    (line  10)
* scm_localtime                         Time.                (line  59)
* scm_logbit_p                          Bitwise Operations.  (line  47)
* scm_logcount                          Bitwise Operations.  (line  72)
* scm_lognot                            Bitwise Operations.  (line  30)
* scm_logtest                           Bitwise Operations.  (line  40)
* scm_lookup                            Accessing Modules from C.
                                                               (line  31)
* scm_lstat                             File System.         (line 105)
* scm_macro_name                        Internal Macros.     (line  97)
* scm_macro_p                           Internal Macros.     (line  85)
* scm_macro_transformer                 Internal Macros.     (line 101)
* scm_macro_type                        Internal Macros.     (line  90)
* scm_major_version                     Build Config.        (line  17)
* scm_makacro                           Internal Macros.     (line  52)
* scm_make_arbiter                      Arbiters.            (line  16)
* SCM_MAKE_CHAR                         Character Data.      (line  16)
* scm_make_class_object                 Objects.             (line  21)
* scm_make_doubly_weak_hash_table       Weak key hashes.     (line  12)
* scm_make_fluid                        Fluids.              (line  26)
* scm_make_guardian                     Guardians.           (line   8)
* scm_make_hook                         Hook Reference.      (line  30)
* scm_make_keyword_from_dash_symbol     Keyword Primitives.  (line  21)
* scm_make_polar                        Complex.             (line  13)
* scm_make_procedure_with_setter        Procedures with Setters.
                                                               (line  45)
* scm_make_rectangular                  Complex.             (line   8)
* scm_make_regexp                       Regexp Functions.    (line  43)
* scm_make_shared_array                 Conventional Arrays. (line  73)
* scm_make_shared_substring             Shared Substrings.   (line  19)
* scm_make_smob_type                    Describing a New Type.
                                                               (line  51)
* scm_make_smob_type_mfpe               Describing a New Type.
                                                               (line 106)
* scm_make_soft_port                    Soft Ports.          (line  11)
* scm_make_stack                        Capturing the Stack or Innermost Stack Frame.
                                                               (line  15)
* scm_make_string                       String Constructors. (line  16)
* scm_make_struct                       Structure Basics.    (line  11)
* scm_make_struct_layout                Structure Layout.    (line  90)
* scm_make_subclass_object              Objects.             (line  26)
* scm_make_undefined_variable           Variables.           (line  44)
* scm_make_variable                     Variables.           (line  48)
* scm_make_vector                       Vector Creation.     (line  42)
* scm_make_vtable_vtable                Vtables.             (line  33)
* scm_make_weak_key_hash_table          Weak key hashes.     (line  10)
* scm_make_weak_value_hash_table        Weak key hashes.     (line  11)
* scm_make_weak_vector                  Weak vectors.        (line  11)
* SCM_MAKINUM                           Integer Data.        (line  27)
* scm_makmacro                          Internal Macros.     (line  58)
* scm_makmmacro                         Internal Macros.     (line  73)
* scm_map                               List Mapping.        (line  16)
* scm_markcdr                           Garbage Collecting Simple Smobs.
                                                               (line  18)
* scm_mask_signals                      Asyncs.              (line  55)
* scm_member                            List Searching.      (line  28)
* scm_memoized_environment              Decoding Memoized Source Expressions.
                                                               (line  16)
* scm_memoized_p                        Decoding Memoized Source Expressions.
                                                               (line   8)
* scm_memq                              List Searching.      (line  14)
* scm_memv                              List Searching.      (line  21)
* scm_merge                             Sorting.             (line  17)
* scm_merge_x                           Sorting.             (line  25)
* scm_micro_version                     Build Config.        (line  19)
* scm_minor_version                     Build Config.        (line  18)
* scm_mkdir                             File System.         (line 173)
* scm_mknod                             File System.         (line 224)
* scm_mkstemp                           File System.         (line 247)
* scm_mktime                            Time.                (line  73)
* scm_module_define                     Accessing Modules from C.
                                                               (line  49)
* scm_module_lookup                     Accessing Modules from C.
                                                               (line  35)
* scm_module_reverse_lookup             Accessing Modules from C.
                                                               (line  54)
* scm_must_free                         Creating Instances.  (line  69)
* scm_must_malloc                       Creating Instances.  (line  44)
* scm_must_realloc                      Creating Instances.  (line  56)
* scm_nconc2last                        Fly Evaluation.      (line  32)
* SCM_NCONSP                            Pair Data.           (line  25)
* SCM_NEWCELL                           Pair Data.           (line  28)
* scm_newline                           Writing.             (line  23)
* SCM_NEWSMOB                           Creating Instances.  (line  18)
* SCM_NEWSMOB2                          Creating Instances.  (line  20)
* SCM_NEWSMOB3                          Creating Instances.  (line  22)
* SCM_NFALSEP                           Boolean Data.        (line  13)
* scm_nice                              Processes.           (line 234)
* scm_nil_car                           Emacs Lisp Support.  (line   8)
* scm_nil_cdr                           Emacs Lisp Support.  (line  13)
* scm_nil_cons                          Emacs Lisp Support.  (line  18)
* SCM_NIMP                              Immediates vs Non-immediates.
                                                               (line  21)
* SCM_NINUMP                            Integer Data.        (line  20)
* scm_noop                              Asyncs.              (line  63)
* scm_not                               Booleans.            (line  60)
* scm_ntohl                             Network Sockets and Communication.
                                                               (line 285)
* scm_ntohs                             Network Sockets and Communication.
                                                               (line 273)
* scm_null                              Emacs Lisp Support.  (line  27)
* scm_null_p                            List Predicates.     (line  22)
* scm_number_p <1>                      Complex Numbers.     (line  30)
* scm_number_p                          Numerical Tower.     (line  35)
* scm_number_to_string                  Conversion.          (line   8)
* scm_object_address                    Garbage Collection.  (line  19)
* scm_object_properties                 Old-fashioned Properties.
                                                               (line  18)
* scm_object_property                   Old-fashioned Properties.
                                                               (line  26)
* scm_object_to_string                  General Conversion.  (line  20)
* scm_odd_p                             Integer Operations.  (line   8)
* scm_open                              Ports and File Descriptors.
                                                               (line 125)
* scm_open_fdes                         Ports and File Descriptors.
                                                               (line 154)
* scm_open_file                         File Ports.          (line  12)
* scm_open_input_string                 String Ports.        (line  34)
* scm_open_output_string                String Ports.        (line  41)
* scm_opendir                           File System.         (line 185)
* scm_operator_p                        Objects.             (line  12)
* scm_output_port_p                     Ports.               (line  27)
* SCM_PACK                              Relationship between SCM and scm_t_bits.
                                                               (line  29)
* scm_pair_p                            Pairs.               (line  53)
* scm_parse_path                        Build Config.        (line  63)
* scm_pause                             Signals.             (line  89)
* scm_peek_char                         Reading.             (line  27)
* scm_pipe                              Ports and File Descriptors.
                                                               (line 187)
* scm_port_closed_p                     Closing.             (line  34)
* scm_port_column                       Reading.             (line  63)
* scm_port_filename                     File Ports.          (line 125)
* scm_port_for_each                     Ports and File Descriptors.
                                                               (line 273)
* scm_port_line                         Reading.             (line  64)
* scm_port_mode                         File Ports.          (line 118)
* scm_port_p                            Ports.               (line  32)
* scm_port_revealed                     Ports and File Descriptors.
                                                               (line  59)
* scm_port_with_print_state             Writing.             (line  28)
* scm_primitive_eval                    Fly Evaluation.      (line  46)
* scm_primitive_exit                    Processes.           (line 184)
* scm_primitive_load                    Loading.             (line  18)
* scm_primitive_load_path               Loading.             (line  28)
* scm_primitive_make_property           Property Primitives. (line   8)
* scm_primitive_move_to_fdes            Ports and File Descriptors.
                                                               (line  99)
* scm_primitive_property_del_x          Property Primitives. (line  26)
* scm_primitive_property_ref            Property Primitives. (line  14)
* scm_primitive_property_set_x          Property Primitives. (line  22)
* scm_print_options <1>                 Low level options interfaces.
                                                               (line  14)
* scm_print_options                     Writing.             (line  33)
* scm_procedure                         Procedures with Setters.
                                                               (line  55)
* scm_procedure_documentation           Procedure Properties.
                                                               (line  69)
* scm_procedure_environment             Procedure Properties.
                                                               (line  46)
* scm_procedure_name                    Procedure Properties.
                                                               (line  38)
* scm_procedure_p <1>                   Procedure Properties.
                                                               (line  22)
* scm_procedure_p                       Procedures.          (line  15)
* scm_procedure_properties              Procedure Properties.
                                                               (line  50)
* scm_procedure_property                Procedure Properties.
                                                               (line  54)
* scm_procedure_source                  Procedure Properties.
                                                               (line  42)
* scm_procedure_with_setter_p           Procedures with Setters.
                                                               (line  50)
* SCM_PROCPROPS                         Closures.            (line  22)
* scm_program_arguments                 Runtime Environment. (line   9)
* scm_promise_p                         Delayed Evaluation.  (line  10)
* scm_putenv                            Runtime Environment. (line  42)
* scm_raise                             Signals.             (line  39)
* scm_random                            Random.              (line  12)
* scm_random_exp                        Random.              (line  26)
* scm_random_hollow_sphere_x            Random.              (line  32)
* scm_random_normal                     Random.              (line  39)
* scm_random_normal_vector_x            Random.              (line  46)
* scm_random_solid_sphere_x             Random.              (line  52)
* scm_random_uniform                    Random.              (line  60)
* scm_read                              Scheme Read.         (line   8)
* scm_read_and_eval_x                   Strange Eval.        (line  31)
* scm_read_char                         Reading.             (line  21)
* scm_read_delimited_x                  Line/Delimited.      (line  77)
* scm_read_hash_extend                  Reader Extensions.   (line   8)
* scm_read_line                         Line/Delimited.      (line  93)
* scm_read_only_string_p                Read Only Strings.   (line  31)
* scm_read_options <1>                  Low level options interfaces.
                                                               (line  12)
* scm_read_options                      Scheme Read.         (line  36)
* scm_read_string_x_partial             Block Reading and Writing.
                                                               (line  17)
* scm_readdir                           File System.         (line 194)
* scm_readlink                          File System.         (line 111)
* scm_real_p                            Reals and Rationals. (line  46)
* scm_recv                              Network Sockets and Communication.
                                                               (line 193)
* scm_recvfrom                          Network Sockets and Communication.
                                                               (line 222)
* scm_redirect_port                     Ports and File Descriptors.
                                                               (line 243)
* scm_regexp_exec                       Regexp Functions.    (line  83)
* scm_regexp_p                          Regexp Functions.    (line 117)
* scm_release_arbiter                   Arbiters.            (line  27)
* scm_remove_hook_x                     Hook Reference.      (line  50)
* scm_rename                            File System.         (line 157)
* scm_reset_hook_x                      Hook Reference.      (line  55)
* scm_resolve_module                    Accessing Modules from C.
                                                               (line  76)
* scm_restore_signals                   Signals.             (line  73)
* scm_restricted_vector_sort_x          Sorting.             (line  89)
* SCM_RETURN_NEWSMOB                    Creating Instances.  (line  31)
* SCM_RETURN_NEWSMOB2                   Creating Instances.  (line  33)
* SCM_RETURN_NEWSMOB3                   Creating Instances.  (line  35)
* scm_reverse                           Append/Reverse.      (line  36)
* scm_reverse_x                         Append/Reverse.      (line  41)
* scm_rewinddir                         File System.         (line 200)
* scm_rmdir                             File System.         (line 180)
* scm_round                             Arithmetic.          (line  55)
* scm_run_asyncs                        Asyncs.              (line  44)
* scm_run_hook                          Hook Reference.      (line  64)
* scm_search_path                       Build Config.        (line  69)
* scm_seed_to_random_state              Random.              (line  64)
* scm_seek                              Random Access.       (line   8)
* scm_select                            Ports and File Descriptors.
                                                               (line 350)
* scm_send                              Network Sockets and Communication.
                                                               (line 210)
* scm_sendto                            Network Sockets and Communication.
                                                               (line 246)
* scm_set_car_x                         Pairs.               (line  77)
* scm_set_cdr_x                         Pairs.               (line  82)
* SCM_SET_CELL_OBJECT                   Accessing Cell Entries.
                                                               (line  57)
* SCM_SET_CELL_TYPE                     Heap Cell Type Information.
                                                               (line  18)
* SCM_SET_CELL_WORD                     Accessing Cell Entries.
                                                               (line  40)
* scm_set_current_error_port            Default Ports.       (line  29)
* scm_set_current_input_port            Default Ports.       (line  27)
* scm_set_current_module                Accessing Modules from C.
                                                               (line  16)
* scm_set_current_output_port           Default Ports.       (line  28)
* scm_set_object_procedure_x            Objects.             (line  16)
* scm_set_object_properties_x           Old-fashioned Properties.
                                                               (line  22)
* scm_set_object_property_x             Old-fashioned Properties.
                                                               (line  30)
* scm_set_port_column_x                 Reading.             (line  77)
* scm_set_port_filename_x               File Ports.          (line 132)
* scm_set_port_line_x                   Reading.             (line  78)
* scm_set_port_revealed_x               Ports and File Descriptors.
                                                               (line  63)
* scm_set_procedure_properties_x        Procedure Properties.
                                                               (line  58)
* scm_set_procedure_property_x          Procedure Properties.
                                                               (line  62)
* scm_set_smob_equalp                   Describing a New Type.
                                                               (line  87)
* scm_set_smob_free                     Describing a New Type.
                                                               (line  75)
* scm_set_smob_mark                     Describing a New Type.
                                                               (line  69)
* scm_set_smob_print                    Describing a New Type.
                                                               (line  81)
* scm_set_source_properties_x           Procedure Properties.
                                                               (line  80)
* scm_set_source_property_x             Procedure Properties.
                                                               (line  85)
* scm_set_struct_vtable_name_x          Vtables.             (line  96)
* SCM_SETCAR                            Pair Data.           (line  64)
* SCM_SETCDR                            Pair Data.           (line  67)
* scm_setegid                           Processes.           (line  87)
* scm_seteuid                           Processes.           (line  80)
* scm_setgid                            Processes.           (line  74)
* scm_setgrent                          User Information.    (line 101)
* scm_sethost                           Network Databases.   (line  81)
* scm_sethostname                       System Identification.
                                                               (line  39)
* scm_setitimer                         Signals.             (line 108)
* scm_setlocale                         Locales.             (line   8)
* scm_setnet                            Network Databases.   (line 135)
* scm_setpgid                           Processes.           (line  99)
* scm_setpriority                       Processes.           (line 240)
* SCM_SETPROCPROPS                      Closures.            (line  26)
* scm_setproto                          Network Databases.   (line 184)
* scm_setpwent                          User Information.    (line  55)
* scm_setserv                           Network Databases.   (line 248)
* scm_setsid                            Processes.           (line 106)
* scm_setsockopt                        Network Sockets and Communication.
                                                               (line  52)
* scm_setuid                            Processes.           (line  68)
* scm_setvbuf                           Ports and File Descriptors.
                                                               (line 282)
* scm_shared_array_increments           Conventional Arrays. (line  89)
* scm_shared_array_offset               Conventional Arrays. (line  94)
* scm_shared_array_root                 Conventional Arrays. (line  98)
* scm_shell                             Guile Initialization Functions.
                                                               (line  78)
* scm_shutdown                          Network Sockets and Communication.
                                                               (line  64)
* scm_sigaction                         Signals.             (line  44)
* scm_simple_format                     Writing.             (line  39)
* scm_sleep                             Signals.             (line  95)
* scm_sloppy_assoc                      Sloppy Alist Functions.
                                                               (line  55)
* scm_sloppy_assq                       Sloppy Alist Functions.
                                                               (line  45)
* scm_sloppy_assv                       Sloppy Alist Functions.
                                                               (line  50)
* scm_sloppy_member                     Sloppy Membership.   (line  25)
* scm_sloppy_memq                       Sloppy Membership.   (line  13)
* scm_sloppy_memv                       Sloppy Membership.   (line  19)
* SCM_SNAME                             Subrs.               (line  19)
* SCM_SNARF_INIT                        Writing your own snarfing macros.
                                                               (line  16)
* scm_socket                            Network Sockets and Communication.
                                                               (line  19)
* scm_socketpair                        Network Sockets and Communication.
                                                               (line  34)
* scm_sort                              Sorting.             (line  49)
* scm_sort_list                         Sorting.             (line  77)
* scm_sort_list_x                       Sorting.             (line  82)
* scm_sort_x                            Sorting.             (line  55)
* scm_sorted_p                          Sorting.             (line  43)
* scm_source_properties                 Procedure Properties.
                                                               (line  90)
* scm_source_property                   Procedure Properties.
                                                               (line  94)
* scm_stable_sort                       Sorting.             (line  62)
* scm_stable_sort_x                     Sorting.             (line  67)
* scm_stack_id                          Examining the Stack. (line  12)
* scm_stack_length                      Examining the Stack. (line  16)
* scm_stack_p                           Examining the Stack. (line   8)
* scm_stack_ref                         Examining the Stack. (line  20)
* scm_stat                              File System.         (line  39)
* scm_status_exit_val                   Processes.           (line 158)
* scm_status_stop_sig                   Processes.           (line 169)
* scm_status_term_sig                   Processes.           (line 164)
* scm_strerror                          Error Reporting.     (line  30)
* scm_strftime                          Time.                (line  90)
* scm_string                            String Constructors. (line  12)
* scm_string_append                     Appending Strings.   (line  11)
* scm_string_capitalize                 Alphabetic Case Mapping.
                                                               (line  35)
* scm_string_capitalize_x               Alphabetic Case Mapping.
                                                               (line  40)
* SCM_STRING_CHARS                      Vector Data.         (line  36)
* scm_string_ci_to_symbol               Symbol Primitives.   (line  55)
* scm_string_copy                       String Selection.    (line  21)
* scm_string_downcase                   Alphabetic Case Mapping.
                                                               (line  23)
* scm_string_downcase_x                 Alphabetic Case Mapping.
                                                               (line  28)
* scm_string_fill_x                     String Modification. (line  17)
* scm_string_index                      String Searching.    (line  11)
* scm_string_length                     String Selection.    (line  12)
* SCM_STRING_LENGTH                     Vector Data.         (line  27)
* scm_string_null_p                     String Predicates.   (line  15)
* scm_string_p                          String Predicates.   (line  11)
* scm_string_ref                        String Selection.    (line  16)
* scm_string_rindex                     String Searching.    (line  27)
* scm_string_set_x                      String Modification. (line  12)
* scm_string_split                      List/String Conversion.
                                                               (line  19)
* scm_string_to_list                    List/String Conversion.
                                                               (line  13)
* scm_string_to_number                  Conversion.          (line  13)
* scm_string_to_obarray_symbol          Obarray Symbols.     (line  51)
* scm_string_to_symbol                  Symbol Primitives.   (line  47)
* scm_string_upcase                     Alphabetic Case Mapping.
                                                               (line  11)
* scm_string_upcase_x                   Alphabetic Case Mapping.
                                                               (line  16)
* SCM_STRINGP                           Vector Data.         (line  20)
* scm_strptime                          Time.                (line 103)
* scm_struct_p                          Structure Basics.    (line  40)
* scm_struct_ref                        Structure Basics.    (line  45)
* scm_struct_set_x                      Structure Basics.    (line  46)
* scm_struct_vtable                     Vtables.             (line  15)
* scm_struct_vtable_name                Vtables.             (line  92)
* scm_struct_vtable_p                   Vtables.             (line  19)
* scm_struct_vtable_tag                 Vtables.             (line 100)
* scm_substring                         String Selection.    (line  25)
* scm_substring_fill_x                  String Modification. (line  22)
* scm_substring_move_x                  String Modification. (line  31)
* scm_symbol_binding                    Obarray Symbols.     (line  65)
* scm_symbol_bound_p                    Obarray Symbols.     (line  72)
* SCM_SYMBOL_CHARS                      Vector Data.         (line  37)
* scm_symbol_fref                       Symbol Props.        (line  31)
* scm_symbol_fset_x                     Symbol Props.        (line  35)
* scm_symbol_hash                       Symbol Keys.         (line  55)
* scm_symbol_interned_p                 Obarray Symbols.     (line  39)
* SCM_SYMBOL_LENGTH                     Vector Data.         (line  28)
* scm_symbol_p                          Symbol Primitives.   (line  11)
* scm_symbol_pref                       Symbol Props.        (line  39)
* scm_symbol_pset_x                     Symbol Props.        (line  43)
* scm_symbol_set_x                      Obarray Symbols.     (line  80)
* scm_symbol_to_string                  Symbol Primitives.   (line  20)
* SCM_SYMBOLP                           Vector Data.         (line  23)
* scm_symlink                           File System.         (line 168)
* scm_sync                              File System.         (line 219)
* scm_sys_atan2                         Primitive Numerics.  (line  42)
* scm_sys_expt                          Primitive Numerics.  (line  19)
* scm_sys_library_dir                   Build Config.        (line  41)
* scm_sys_make_void_port                Void Ports.          (line  11)
* scm_sys_package_data_dir              Build Config.        (line  35)
* scm_sys_search_load_path              Loading.             (line  34)
* scm_sys_site_dir                      Build Config.        (line  50)
* scm_system                            Processes.           (line 174)
* scm_system_async                      Asyncs.              (line  27)
* scm_system_async_mark                 Asyncs.              (line  36)
* scm_tcgetpgrp                         Terminals and Ptys.  (line  23)
* scm_tcsetpgrp                         Terminals and Ptys.  (line  36)
* scm_throw                             Throw.               (line  16)
* scm_thunk_p                           Procedure Properties.
                                                               (line  30)
* scm_times                             Time.                (line 118)
* scm_tmpnam                            File System.         (line 239)
* scm_transpose_array                   Conventional Arrays. (line 102)
* scm_truncate                          Arithmetic.          (line  54)
* scm_truncate_file                     Random Access.       (line  37)
* scm_try_arbiter                       Arbiters.            (line  22)
* scm_ttyname                           Terminals and Ptys.  (line  13)
* scm_tzset                             Time.                (line  83)
* scm_umask                             Processes.           (line  17)
* scm_uname                             System Identification.
                                                               (line  11)
* SCM_UNBNDP                            Unique Values.       (line  39)
* SCM_UNDEFINED                         Unique Values.       (line  28)
* scm_uniform_array_read_x              Uniform Arrays.      (line  89)
* scm_uniform_array_write               Uniform Arrays.      (line 107)
* scm_uniform_vector_length             Uniform Arrays.      (line  76)
* scm_uniform_vector_ref                Conventional Arrays. (line  59)
* scm_unintern_symbol                   Obarray Symbols.     (line  44)
* scm_unmask_signals                    Asyncs.              (line  59)
* scm_unmemoize                         Decoding Memoized Source Expressions.
                                                               (line  12)
* SCM_UNPACK                            Relationship between SCM and scm_t_bits.
                                                               (line  24)
* scm_unread_char <1>                   Ports and File Descriptors.
                                                               (line 174)
* scm_unread_char                       Reading.             (line  33)
* scm_unread_string                     Reading.             (line  40)
* SCM_UNSPECIFIED                       Unique Values.       (line  19)
* scm_usleep                            Signals.             (line 101)
* scm_utime                             File System.         (line 138)
* scm_values                            Multiple Values.     (line  22)
* scm_variable_bound_p                  Variables.           (line  52)
* scm_variable_p                        Variables.           (line  67)
* scm_variable_ref                      Variables.           (line  57)
* scm_variable_set_x                    Variables.           (line  62)
* scm_vector                            Vector Creation.     (line  15)
* SCM_VECTOR_BASE                       Vector Data.         (line  32)
* scm_vector_fill_x                     Vector Accessors.    (line  44)
* scm_vector_length                     Vector Accessors.    (line  12)
* SCM_VECTOR_LENGTH                     Vector Data.         (line  26)
* scm_vector_move_left_x                Vector Accessors.    (line  50)
* scm_vector_move_right_x               Vector Accessors.    (line  62)
* scm_vector_p                          Vector Creation.     (line  51)
* scm_vector_ref                        Vector Accessors.    (line  16)
* scm_vector_set_x                      Vector Accessors.    (line  36)
* scm_vector_to_list                    Vector Creation.     (line  30)
* SCM_VECTORP                           Vector Data.         (line  17)
* scm_version                           Build Config.        (line  15)
* scm_waitpid                           Processes.           (line 113)
* scm_weak_key_hash_table_p             Weak key hashes.     (line  22)
* scm_weak_value_hash_table_p           Weak key hashes.     (line  23)
* scm_weak_vector                       Weak vectors.        (line  18)
* scm_weak_vector_p                     Weak vectors.        (line  25)
* scm_with_fluids                       Fluids.              (line  56)
* scm_with_traps                        Using Traps.         (line   8)
* scm_write_char                        Writing.             (line  49)
* scm_write_line                        Line/Delimited.      (line  63)
* scm_write_string_partial              Block Reading and Writing.
                                                               (line  50)
* search-path                           Build Config.        (line  68)
* second                                SRFI-1 Selectors.    (line   8)
* seed->random-state                    Random.              (line  63)
* seek                                  Random Access.       (line   7)
* select                                Ports and File Descriptors.
                                                               (line 349)
* send                                  Network Sockets and Communication.
                                                               (line 209)
* sendto                                Network Sockets and Communication.
                                                               (line 245)
* serventaliases:                       Network Databases.   (line 197)
* serventname:                          Network Databases.   (line 194)
* serventport:                          Network Databases.   (line 200)
* serventproto:                         Network Databases.   (line 203)
* set-batch-mode?!                      Dynamic Roots.       (line  98)
* set-car!                              Pairs.               (line  76)
* set-cdr!                              Pairs.               (line  81)
* set-current-error-port                Default Ports.       (line  26)
* set-current-input-port                Default Ports.       (line  24)
* set-current-output-port               Default Ports.       (line  25)
* set-object-procedure!                 Objects.             (line  15)
* set-object-properties!                Old-fashioned Properties.
                                                               (line  21)
* set-object-property!                  Old-fashioned Properties.
                                                               (line  29)
* set-port-column!                      Reading.             (line  75)
* set-port-filename!                    File Ports.          (line 131)
* set-port-line!                        Reading.             (line  76)
* set-port-revealed!                    Ports and File Descriptors.
                                                               (line  62)
* set-procedure-properties!             Procedure Properties.
                                                               (line  57)
* set-procedure-property!               Procedure Properties.
                                                               (line  61)
* set-source-properties!                Procedure Properties.
                                                               (line  79)
* set-source-property!                  Procedure Properties.
                                                               (line  84)
* set-struct-vtable-name!               Vtables.             (line  95)
* set-symbol-property!                  Symbol Props.        (line  53)
* setegid                               Processes.           (line  86)
* setenv                                Runtime Environment. (line  21)
* seteuid                               Processes.           (line  79)
* setgid                                Processes.           (line  73)
* setgr                                 User Information.    (line 100)
* setgrent                              User Information.    (line  87)
* sethost                               Network Databases.   (line  80)
* sethostent                            Network Databases.   (line  62)
* sethostname                           System Identification.
                                                               (line  38)
* setitimer                             Signals.             (line 106)
* setlocale                             Locales.             (line   7)
* setnet                                Network Databases.   (line 134)
* setnetent                             Network Databases.   (line 119)
* setpgid                               Processes.           (line  98)
* setpriority                           Processes.           (line 239)
* setproto                              Network Databases.   (line 183)
* setprotoent                           Network Databases.   (line 168)
* setpw                                 User Information.    (line  54)
* setpwent                              User Information.    (line  41)
* setserv                               Network Databases.   (line 247)
* setservent                            Network Databases.   (line 232)
* setsid                                Processes.           (line 105)
* setsockopt                            Network Sockets and Communication.
                                                               (line  51)
* setter                                Procedures with Setters.
                                                               (line  59)
* setuid                                Processes.           (line  67)
* setvbuf                               Ports and File Descriptors.
                                                               (line 281)
* seventh                               SRFI-1 Selectors.    (line  13)
* shared-array-increments               Conventional Arrays. (line  88)
* shared-array-offset                   Conventional Arrays. (line  93)
* shared-array-root                     Conventional Arrays. (line  97)
* shutdown                              Network Sockets and Communication.
                                                               (line  63)
* sigaction                             Signals.             (line  43)
* signal-condition-variable             Low level thread primitives.
                                                               (line  48)
* simple-format                         Writing.             (line  38)
* sin                                   Scientific.          (line  16)
* sinh                                  Scientific.          (line  44)
* sixth                                 SRFI-1 Selectors.    (line  12)
* sleep                                 Signals.             (line  94)
* sloppy-assoc                          Sloppy Alist Functions.
                                                               (line  54)
* sloppy-assq                           Sloppy Alist Functions.
                                                               (line  44)
* sloppy-assv                           Sloppy Alist Functions.
                                                               (line  49)
* sloppy-member                         Sloppy Membership.   (line  24)
* sloppy-memq                           Sloppy Membership.   (line  12)
* sloppy-memv                           Sloppy Membership.   (line  18)
* socket                                Network Sockets and Communication.
                                                               (line  18)
* socketpair                            Network Sockets and Communication.
                                                               (line  33)
* sort                                  Sorting.             (line  48)
* sort!                                 Sorting.             (line  54)
* sort-list                             Sorting.             (line  76)
* sort-list!                            Sorting.             (line  81)
* sorted?                               Sorting.             (line  42)
* source-properties                     Procedure Properties.
                                                               (line  89)
* source-property                       Procedure Properties.
                                                               (line  93)
* span                                  SRFI-1 Searching.    (line  31)
* span!                                 SRFI-1 Searching.    (line  32)
* split-at                              SRFI-1 Selectors.    (line  42)
* split-at!                             SRFI-1 Selectors.    (line  43)
* sqrt                                  Scientific.          (line  10)
* stable-sort                           Sorting.             (line  61)
* stable-sort!                          Sorting.             (line  66)
* stack-id                              Examining the Stack. (line  11)
* stack-length                          Examining the Stack. (line  15)
* stack-ref                             Examining the Stack. (line  19)
* stack?                                Examining the Stack. (line   7)
* start-stack                           Starting a New Stack.
                                                               (line   7)
* stat                                  File System.         (line  38)
* statusexit-val:                       Processes.           (line 157)
* statusstop-sig:                       Processes.           (line 168)
* statusterm-sig:                       Processes.           (line 163)
* strerror                              Error Reporting.     (line  29)
* strftime                              Time.                (line  89)
* string                                String Constructors. (line  10)
* string->char-set                      SRFI-14 Creating Character Sets.
                                                               (line  24)
* string->char-set!                     SRFI-14 Creating Character Sets.
                                                               (line  25)
* string->list <1>                      SRFI-13 List/String Conversion.
                                                               (line  12)
* string->list                          List/String Conversion.
                                                               (line  12)
* string->number                        Conversion.          (line  12)
* string->obarray-symbol                Obarray Symbols.     (line  49)
* string->symbol                        Symbol Primitives.   (line  46)
* string-any                            SRFI-13 Predicates.  (line  11)
* string-append                         Appending Strings.   (line  10)
* string-append/shared                  SRFI-13 Reverse/Append.
                                                               (line  18)
* string-capitalize                     Alphabetic Case Mapping.
                                                               (line  34)
* string-capitalize!                    Alphabetic Case Mapping.
                                                               (line  39)
* string-ci->symbol                     Symbol Primitives.   (line  54)
* string-ci<                            SRFI-13 Comparison.  (line  37)
* string-ci<=                           SRFI-13 Comparison.  (line  39)
* string-ci<=?                          String Comparison.   (line  46)
* string-ci<>                           SRFI-13 Comparison.  (line  36)
* string-ci<?                           String Comparison.   (line  42)
* string-ci=                            SRFI-13 Comparison.  (line  35)
* string-ci=?                           String Comparison.   (line  37)
* string-ci>                            SRFI-13 Comparison.  (line  38)
* string-ci>=                           SRFI-13 Comparison.  (line  40)
* string-ci>=?                          String Comparison.   (line  55)
* string-ci>?                           String Comparison.   (line  51)
* string-compare                        SRFI-13 Comparison.  (line  16)
* string-compare-ci                     SRFI-13 Comparison.  (line  18)
* string-concatenate                    SRFI-13 Reverse/Append.
                                                               (line  22)
* string-concatenate-reverse            SRFI-13 Reverse/Append.
                                                               (line  30)
* string-concatenate-reverse/shared     SRFI-13 Reverse/Append.
                                                               (line  43)
* string-concatenate/shared             SRFI-13 Reverse/Append.
                                                               (line  26)
* string-contains                       SRFI-13 Searching.   (line  44)
* string-contains-ci                    SRFI-13 Searching.   (line  45)
* string-copy <1>                       SRFI-13 Selection.   (line  16)
* string-copy                           String Selection.    (line  20)
* string-copy!                          SRFI-13 Selection.   (line  24)
* string-count                          SRFI-13 Searching.   (line  35)
* string-delete                         SRFI-13 Filtering/Deleting.
                                                               (line  17)
* string-downcase <1>                   SRFI-13 Case Mapping.
                                                               (line  16)
* string-downcase                       Alphabetic Case Mapping.
                                                               (line  22)
* string-downcase! <1>                  SRFI-13 Case Mapping.
                                                               (line  17)
* string-downcase!                      Alphabetic Case Mapping.
                                                               (line  27)
* string-drop                           SRFI-13 Selection.   (line  36)
* string-drop-right                     SRFI-13 Selection.   (line  37)
* string-every                          SRFI-13 Predicates.  (line  34)
* string-fill! <1>                      SRFI-13 Modification.
                                                               (line  13)
* string-fill!                          String Modification. (line  16)
* string-filter                         SRFI-13 Filtering/Deleting.
                                                               (line  10)
* string-fold                           SRFI-13 Fold/Unfold/Map.
                                                               (line  22)
* string-fold-right                     SRFI-13 Fold/Unfold/Map.
                                                               (line  23)
* string-for-each                       SRFI-13 Fold/Unfold/Map.
                                                               (line  50)
* string-hash                           SRFI-13 Comparison.  (line  45)
* string-hash-ci                        SRFI-13 Comparison.  (line  46)
* string-index <1>                      SRFI-13 Searching.   (line  10)
* string-index                          String Searching.    (line  10)
* string-index-right                    SRFI-13 Searching.   (line  11)
* string-join                           SRFI-13 List/String Conversion.
                                                               (line  20)
* string-length                         String Selection.    (line  11)
* string-map                            SRFI-13 Fold/Unfold/Map.
                                                               (line  11)
* string-map!                           SRFI-13 Fold/Unfold/Map.
                                                               (line  16)
* string-match                          Regexp Functions.    (line  15)
* string-null?                          String Predicates.   (line  14)
* string-pad                            SRFI-13 Selection.   (line  40)
* string-pad-right                      SRFI-13 Selection.   (line  41)
* string-prefix-ci?                     SRFI-13 Prefixes/Suffixes.
                                                               (line  24)
* string-prefix-length                  SRFI-13 Prefixes/Suffixes.
                                                               (line  12)
* string-prefix-length-ci               SRFI-13 Prefixes/Suffixes.
                                                               (line  14)
* string-prefix?                        SRFI-13 Prefixes/Suffixes.
                                                               (line  23)
* string-ref                            String Selection.    (line  15)
* string-replace                        SRFI-13 Miscellaneous.
                                                               (line  11)
* string-reverse                        SRFI-13 Reverse/Append.
                                                               (line  10)
* string-reverse!                       SRFI-13 Reverse/Append.
                                                               (line  11)
* string-rindex                         String Searching.    (line  26)
* string-set!                           String Modification. (line  11)
* string-skip                           SRFI-13 Searching.   (line  22)
* string-skip-right                     SRFI-13 Searching.   (line  23)
* string-split                          List/String Conversion.
                                                               (line  18)
* string-suffix-ci?                     SRFI-13 Prefixes/Suffixes.
                                                               (line  26)
* string-suffix-length                  SRFI-13 Prefixes/Suffixes.
                                                               (line  16)
* string-suffix-length-ci               SRFI-13 Prefixes/Suffixes.
                                                               (line  18)
* string-suffix?                        SRFI-13 Prefixes/Suffixes.
                                                               (line  25)
* string-tabulate                       SRFI-13 Constructors.
                                                               (line  11)
* string-take                           SRFI-13 Selection.   (line  32)
* string-take-right                     SRFI-13 Selection.   (line  33)
* string-titlecase                      SRFI-13 Case Mapping.
                                                               (line  21)
* string-titlecase!                     SRFI-13 Case Mapping.
                                                               (line  22)
* string-tokenize                       SRFI-13 Miscellaneous.
                                                               (line  15)
* string-trim                           SRFI-13 Selection.   (line  47)
* string-trim-both                      SRFI-13 Selection.   (line  49)
* string-trim-right                     SRFI-13 Selection.   (line  48)
* string-unfold                         SRFI-13 Fold/Unfold/Map.
                                                               (line  29)
* string-unfold-right                   SRFI-13 Fold/Unfold/Map.
                                                               (line  30)
* string-upcase <1>                     SRFI-13 Case Mapping.
                                                               (line  11)
* string-upcase                         Alphabetic Case Mapping.
                                                               (line  10)
* string-upcase! <1>                    SRFI-13 Case Mapping.
                                                               (line  12)
* string-upcase!                        Alphabetic Case Mapping.
                                                               (line  15)
* string-xcopy!                         SRFI-13 Replicate/Rotate.
                                                               (line  28)
* string<                               SRFI-13 Comparison.  (line  27)
* string<=                              SRFI-13 Comparison.  (line  29)
* string<=?                             String Comparison.   (line  25)
* string<>                              SRFI-13 Comparison.  (line  26)
* string<?                              String Comparison.   (line  21)
* string=                               SRFI-13 Comparison.  (line  25)
* string=?                              String Comparison.   (line  12)
* string>                               SRFI-13 Comparison.  (line  28)
* string>=                              SRFI-13 Comparison.  (line  30)
* string>=?                             String Comparison.   (line  33)
* string>?                              String Comparison.   (line  29)
* string?                               String Predicates.   (line  10)
* strptime                              Time.                (line 102)
* struct-ref                            Structure Basics.    (line  43)
* struct-set!                           Structure Basics.    (line  44)
* struct-vtable                         Vtables.             (line  14)
* struct-vtable-name                    Vtables.             (line  91)
* struct-vtable-tag                     Vtables.             (line  99)
* struct-vtable?                        Vtables.             (line  18)
* struct?                               Structure Basics.    (line  39)
* substring                             String Selection.    (line  24)
* substring-fill!                       String Modification. (line  21)
* substring-move!                       String Modification. (line  30)
* substring/shared                      SRFI-13 Selection.   (line  20)
* symbol->keyword                       Keyword Procedures.  (line  10)
* symbol->string                        Symbol Primitives.   (line  19)
* symbol-binding                        Obarray Symbols.     (line  64)
* symbol-bound?                         Obarray Symbols.     (line  71)
* symbol-fref                           Symbol Props.        (line  30)
* symbol-fset!                          Symbol Props.        (line  34)
* symbol-hash                           Symbol Keys.         (line  54)
* symbol-interned?                      Obarray Symbols.     (line  38)
* symbol-pref                           Symbol Props.        (line  38)
* symbol-prefix-proc                    Using Guile Modules. (line  49)
* symbol-property                       Symbol Props.        (line  46)
* symbol-property-remove!               Symbol Props.        (line  58)
* symbol-pset!                          Symbol Props.        (line  42)
* symbol-set!                           Obarray Symbols.     (line  79)
* symbol?                               Symbol Primitives.   (line  10)
* symlink                               File System.         (line 167)
* sync                                  File System.         (line 218)
* system                                Processes.           (line 173)
* system-async                          Asyncs.              (line  26)
* system-async-mark                     Asyncs.              (line  35)
* TAGvector                             SRFI-4 - Procedures. (line  26)
* TAGvector->list                       SRFI-4 - Procedures. (line  41)
* TAGvector-length                      SRFI-4 - Procedures. (line  31)
* TAGvector-ref                         SRFI-4 - Procedures. (line  34)
* TAGvector?                            SRFI-4 - Procedures. (line  17)
* take                                  SRFI-1 Selectors.    (line  22)
* take!                                 SRFI-1 Selectors.    (line  23)
* take-right                            SRFI-1 Selectors.    (line  32)
* take-while                            SRFI-1 Searching.    (line  19)
* take-while!                           SRFI-1 Searching.    (line  20)
* tan                                   Scientific.          (line  22)
* tanh                                  Scientific.          (line  50)
* tcgetpgrp                             Terminals and Ptys.  (line  22)
* tcsetpgrp                             Terminals and Ptys.  (line  35)
* tenth                                 SRFI-1 Selectors.    (line  16)
* third                                 SRFI-1 Selectors.    (line   9)
* throw                                 Throw.               (line  15)
* thunk?                                Procedure Properties.
                                                               (line  29)
* times                                 Time.                (line 117)
* tmpnam                                File System.         (line 238)
* trace                                 Trace.               (line  12)
* transpose-array                       Conventional Arrays. (line 101)
* trap-disable <1>                      User level options interfaces.
                                                               (line  40)
* trap-disable                          Evaluator Behaviour. (line  48)
* trap-enable <1>                       User level options interfaces.
                                                               (line  31)
* trap-enable                           Evaluator Behaviour. (line  47)
* trap-set! <1>                         User level options interfaces.
                                                               (line  49)
* trap-set!                             Evaluator Behaviour. (line  49)
* traps <1>                             User level options interfaces.
                                                               (line  11)
* traps                                 Evaluator Behaviour. (line  36)
* truncate <1>                          Random Access.       (line  35)
* truncate                              Arithmetic.          (line  37)
* truncate-file                         Random Access.       (line  36)
* try-arbiter                           Arbiters.            (line  21)
* ttyname                               Terminals and Ptys.  (line  12)
* tzset                                 Time.                (line  82)
* uce-range->char-set!                  SRFI-14 Creating Character Sets.
                                                               (line  41)
* ucs-range->char-set                   SRFI-14 Creating Character Sets.
                                                               (line  40)
* umask                                 Processes.           (line  16)
* uname                                 System Identification.
                                                               (line  10)
* unfold                                SRFI-1 Fold and Map. (line  36)
* unfold-right                          SRFI-1 Fold and Map. (line  63)
* unhash-name                           Garbage Collection.  (line  23)
* uniform-array-read!                   Uniform Arrays.      (line  86)
* uniform-array-set1!                   Conventional Arrays. (line  67)
* uniform-array-write                   Uniform Arrays.      (line 104)
* uniform-vector-fill!                  Uniform Arrays.      (line  71)
* uniform-vector-length                 Uniform Arrays.      (line  75)
* uniform-vector-read!                  Uniform Arrays.      (line  88)
* uniform-vector-ref                    Conventional Arrays. (line  57)
* uniform-vector-write                  Uniform Arrays.      (line 106)
* unintern-symbol                       Obarray Symbols.     (line  43)
* unlink                                File System.         (line 146)
* unlock-mutex                          Low level thread primitives.
                                                               (line  38)
* unmask-signals                        Asyncs.              (line  58)
* unmemoize                             Decoding Memoized Source Expressions.
                                                               (line  11)
* unread-char <1>                       Ports and File Descriptors.
                                                               (line 173)
* unread-char                           Reading.             (line  32)
* unread-string <1>                     Ports and File Descriptors.
                                                               (line 180)
* unread-string                         Reading.             (line  39)
* untrace                               Trace.               (line  18)
* unzip1                                SRFI-1 Length Append etc.
                                                               (line  33)
* unzip2                                SRFI-1 Length Append etc.
                                                               (line  34)
* unzip3                                SRFI-1 Length Append etc.
                                                               (line  35)
* unzip4                                SRFI-1 Length Append etc.
                                                               (line  36)
* unzip5                                SRFI-1 Length Append etc.
                                                               (line  37)
* use-modules                           Using Guile Modules. (line  53)
* use-syntax                            Using Guile Modules. (line  80)
* usleep                                Signals.             (line 100)
* utime                                 File System.         (line 137)
* values                                Multiple Values.     (line  21)
* variable-bound?                       Variables.           (line  51)
* variable-ref                          Variables.           (line  56)
* variable-set!                         Variables.           (line  61)
* variable?                             Variables.           (line  66)
* vector                                Vector Creation.     (line  13)
* vector->list                          Vector Creation.     (line  29)
* vector-fill!                          Vector Accessors.    (line  43)
* vector-length                         Vector Accessors.    (line  11)
* vector-move-left!                     Vector Accessors.    (line  48)
* vector-move-right!                    Vector Accessors.    (line  60)
* vector-ref                            Vector Accessors.    (line  15)
* vector-set!                           Vector Accessors.    (line  35)
* vector?                               Vector Creation.     (line  50)
* version                               Build Config.        (line  10)
* wait-condition-variable               Low level thread primitives.
                                                               (line  46)
* waitpid                               Processes.           (line 112)
* weak-key-hash-table?                  Weak key hashes.     (line  19)
* weak-value-hash-table?                Weak key hashes.     (line  20)
* weak-vector                           Weak vectors.        (line  16)
* weak-vector?                          Weak vectors.        (line  24)
* while                                 while do.            (line  24)
* with-error-to-file                    File Ports.          (line 106)
* with-fluids*                          Fluids.              (line  55)
* with-input-from-file                  File Ports.          (line  84)
* with-input-from-string                String Ports.        (line  28)
* with-mutex                            Higher level thread procedures.
                                                               (line  34)
* with-output-to-file                   File Ports.          (line  95)
* with-output-to-string                 String Ports.        (line  23)
* with-traps                            Using Traps.         (line   7)
* write-char                            Writing.             (line  48)
* write-line                            Line/Delimited.      (line  62)
* write-string/partial                  Block Reading and Writing.
                                                               (line  49)
* xcons                                 SRFI-1 Constructors. (line   9)
* xsubstring                            SRFI-13 Replicate/Rotate.
                                                               (line  16)
* yield                                 Low level thread primitives.
                                                               (line  25)
* zero?                                 Comparison.          (line  24)
* zip                                   SRFI-1 Length Append etc.
                                                               (line  27)
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